
Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Young Adults Walking the Walk!

About a week ago, Todd and Kelly Stull took our Youth Group over to the house of a local woman (not a member of our church) who needed some help with her yard. She wrote a letter to the Editor this week about her experience. Take a few moments and read what she had to say....then take a few more moments and thank God for our kids and how He is moving mightily among us.

Teenagers Use Positive Energy to Affect Community

In a day and age when nothing good seems to be attributed to teenagers, there’s one group of teenagers making a positive difference in the community.

The teens involved in the Warrenton Bible Fellowship — there’s about 20 of them — descended on my property two weeks ago like a horde of locusts. The guys and gals ranged in age from 14 to 22.

They pulled out all the ivy from the front and back yard, cut the half acre of grass, raked up and bagged the very long grass clippings, and raked the leaves that had gathered against the back fence (which reached four feet high in the corner of the lot). One adult with a chain saw took out all the overgrown bushes. This was a home makeover, if ever there were one.

The youth group, led by Mr. and Mrs. Todd Stull, has visited several properties around the Warrenton community to help out with practical things like helping homeowners with yard work.

With a crew of 20 kids and five adults, they swept through my property with rakes and hoes. Against the formidable and unending supply of ivy, they attacked it with brute force. In just an hour and a half, there were 50 black bags lining the street, and a truckload of bushes piled on the property.

The group was able to take a truckload of bushes to the landfill that evening, but left another truckload behind, intending to remove it a couple of days later if the town didn’t. (Turned out, the town did remove the remainder.)

The Warrenton Bible Fellowship youth group didn’t ask for a donation or money of any kind when they performed my complete yard makeover: It’s their way of serving others.

A neighbor across the street called the next day. She and her husband watched the teens from their front window the night before. She was mystified how the teens seemed to be laughing, joking and having a wonderful time, yet working their hearts out with intense determination.

At a time when some teens use their time and energy in a negative way to find trouble, these teenagers were using their energy in a positive way to serve their community. I was left speechless…and very grateful.

Mrs. Copeland

This Youth Group is a great group of young men and women and they deserve our support, our prayers and our respect.

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