
Friday, May 29, 2009

Discovery Garden Series

Spring has arrived! So get your gardening tools and sun hat out because it’s time for the Discovery Garden Series.

The Discovery Garden Series consists of seven monthly workshops that include demonstrations, lectures, field trips and hands-on activities. Workshops are taught by Butterfly Pavilion staff and local Master Gardeners.

The workshops will explore the fascinating relationships between insects and plants as well as touch on the importance of native plants.

Each workshop is only $10 per person! Sign up for the series or pick and choose the workshops that best fit your interests and/or schedule. Classes meet the third Sunday of the month at 1:30 p.m. unless otherwise indicated.

Pre-registration and pre-payment are required by the Tuesday before the class. Space is limited, so sign up now by calling (720) 974-1868.

May 30 Bringing Nature Home -Dr. Douglas Tallamy

June 14 Adapted Plants for Colorado -Harriett McMillan

July 19 Native Plants - Lenore Mitchell

Aug. 16 Landscaping with Natives -Lenore Mitchell

Sept. 20 Bees and the Harvest - Char Gottlieb

Oct. 4 Diseases and Insects -Cathy Jo Clawson

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