
Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Boring. Boss is away till today and coming back tomorrow. What did I do to kill times? Well, I made cranky videos, chatting with my cousin Venitia, gossiping with my friends, reading newspapers, updating Facebook, editing pictures, watching TV3's website, calling up my Mom and Sis. What else? Anything, just anything as long as I'm not sleepy.

Found these pictures in my hard disk. What to see at this old school rusty van?

It has thousands of wonderful flavor in it. Whooat? An old van has wonderful flavors inside? How come?? Well, yessss.. but, until you see this!

Kuih Bingka, Kek Kukus, Kuih Talam Keladi. These are only some, you must see what I have almost every morning while waiting for my Kolok Mee or Mee Jawa being prepared. I should have taken a lot of kuih pictures. I love this van so much because it caters me with yummy yummy local kuihs. Thanks to the Ah Pek (owner). Heheh... Kamsia lu Pek!

My MIL was celebrating her 56th birthday last Monday. It was Gabby who reminded us to buy a birthday cake for her granny. How sweet that she remembers!

Gabby with new layered hair. She looks so 'dara' now. Well, nothing much, we just bought Fried Kuetiaw at 7th Mile on the way back from my office.

I always love this particular proprietor's mee. They are very generous - 4 packets of Fried Kuetiaw from them actually can cater 6-8 people. Banyak woooo!!!

Panjang umurnya, panjang umurnya, panjang umurnya serta mulia...
Serta mulia..serta mulia..

Potong kue nya, potong kue nya, potong kue nya sekarang juga....
Sekarang juga...

Hehehhe.. still boring though. So I shoot this another video for your view only.

Have a nice day!

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