
Monday, November 3, 2008


Please say hi to the new family member of the Charles, errmm.. my sister's baby to be exact. Her name is Ashlynn Cassandra. She's a funny looking and healthy baby, was born on 1st November, 7:04 a.m. and weighing for 3.2kgs.

This picture was taken few hours after being delivered. I want to pinch her! OMG!!

This one looks like baby tadpole, a cute version. She's just got back from the clinic to get her jaundice injection. Cheeky huh...

My favourite picture of all. Was taken yesterday - 2 days old. Auuuwwwwwhh.. feel like biting her arms and cheeks and kiss her all around. Isn't she lovely....?

ASHLYN: The name Ashlyn is a baby girl name. The baby name Ashlyn originated as an English name. In English the name Ashlyn means- meadow of ash trees.

CASSANDRA: The name Cassandra is a baby girl name. The baby name Cassandra originated as an English name. In English the name Cassandra means- Cassandra was a Trojan prophetess, daughter of King Priam. This name became popular in medieval Britain, and fashionable in the USA in the mid-2Oth century..

How 'bout my girl's name?

GABRIELLA: The name Gabriella is a baby girl name. The baby name Gabriella originated as an Hebrew name. In Hebrew the name Gabriella means- God gives strength..

CONCHITA: It means 'Concepcion'. The Spanish name Concepcion means - A name honoring the immaculate conception of the Virgin Mary.

My hubby's name brings the meaning of: Warlike (no wonder he's so fierce!! hahahaha....). Finally, my name's meaning is: Noble, possessing the qualities like illustrious, famous, notable (but I didn't act like one! Hahahaa....)

In fact, I'm more barbaric when I'm on rage and you know what? I guess I'm actually a Noble - metals that are resistant to corrosion or oxidation. Definitely I am!

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