
Monday, November 17, 2008

HEY, I CUT MY HAIR! .. again..

Yeah right.. I cut my hair again last Saturday. This time, my friend, Mariana introduced me to a small kampung's saloon at Kpg. Stutong Baru, at Lorong 17, just by the roadside precisely. Actually, my husband and I wanted to cut our hair but when Gabby entered the saloon excitedly, she requested her hair to be cut too.

I look more cute in this style right? (Perasan!!) Even my hubby said that I look like Betty Boop. Well, here is Betty Blob... hahahaha...

The hairdresser just did some hair thinning to Gabby's hair, from long thick lock to layered and it is indeedly manageable. Hubby also trimmed his sideburn and overall, the 3 of us were charged for RM16.

Now you tell me.. RM16 (nearly USD 4.00) for three persons, cheap anot?

p/s: Please ignore those ugly blemishes, spots, zits whatever you wanna call it. Blame it on the hectic weekends and late night sleeps. Aaaahhhhh.. *faint!

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