
Sunday, November 2, 2008

Is This the Main Issue In the Election?

I have made an honest effort to stay out of the political discussions regarding the Presidential election this year. I'm not sure I'm very happy with either of the candidates. In regard to the current campaigns, I'll be happy when this whole mess is over come Wednesday morning.

Nonetheless, we, as a nation face a serious and grave issue in less than 48 hours.

While reading Mark Altrogge's blog, Blazing Center, it struck me that the next administration will face a unique opportunity, the possible appointment of two or more Supreme Court Justices.

This can have a huge impact on our country particularly in the area of Rowe vs. Wade and the whole abortion issue. Above all other issues we are facing, I consider this one to be of paramount importance.

Blazing Center details the issue quite well:

I’ve heard Christians say things like, “Abortion is important, but there are other issues just as important. I don’t believe we should vote for or against someone simply based on their stand on this issue.”

I would agree that there are many serious and important issues to consider such as the economic crisis, health care, education, terrorism, the war in the Middle East, and tax reform.

So why is abortion more critical than other issues? The Bible, the very Word of God, our only infallible guide and ultimate authority for our lives, tells us God created human beings in his image and likeness. Abortion destroys the image and likeness of God in a widespread and massive way. Over a million times a year in this nation, the image and likeness of God is barbarically torn apart and tossed in the trash. How can God bless the economic, educational or other policies of a person, party or nation that supports and promotes this horrific practice?

As critical as other issues may be, abortion snuffs out over 1 million innocent lives every year. Is there any other issue in which 1 million children a year are slaughtered?

I checked statistics from America’s wars and I was shocked at what I found.

The total number of deaths in all of America’s Wars from the American Revolution to the present (Including the War of 1812, the Indian Wars, the Mexican War, the Civil War, the Spanish-American War, WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War and the current one) is 657,894.

I urge you to carefully read the rest of this important article here. There is more at stake here than political power and influence.

I find it ironic that there is so much discussion and dissension over the war in Iraq while we are losing more children each day to abortion than we have lost men the entire time we've been in Iraq.

Make no mistake, this is not a pro-war diatribe. We have made obvious mistakes over there. What this is, is a serious call to consider where our priorities and energies should be focused as Christians who should be involved in the political process but not compromised by it. For every minute we argue about the war or the economy or anything else....two babies die.

This nation needs our prayers and our vote to support those candidates that oppose abortion.

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