
Saturday, October 31, 2009

How to Harvest Carrots in Your Basement by Gardener Cumax

What a great storm this is. Being a weather geek, I got busy 2 days before this storm hit. I usually wait until the last minute to harvest my summer carrots. With a spading fork to loosen this up, I put them in the trash, tops, dirt and all and filled it up with water. I let it soak overnight. The next morning, as the storm started dropping snow, I drained the water out, cleaned the bottom and brought it down to the basement. Thus the basement carrot harvest began.

In my experience leaving the dirt on helps preserve the carrots. A thin coat of clay along with lumps is a good thing. I could be wrong but leaving a bit of the top helps also.

I don't have a bona fide root cellar yet. I'm planning on it. For now I'm building a simple wood box and filling it with straw to stick the carrots and other root veggies in. The box will be placed directly under the basement window with the window cracked open and the bedroom door closed. Roots love to be cold, dark and slightly moist. It's best if the moisture is controlled so that it doesn't escape from the box.

Happy Green Halloween

Happy Green Halloween

Today we are celebrating a fun filled green Halloween.

Costumes are all closet scavenger pieces, hand me downs, or used items bought on eBay.

We are trick or treating locally and just looking to have some green halloween fun. after trick or treating we'll have pizza and sit back and watch some Halloween movie favorites, maybe The Haunted Mansion. We'll see what we have.

I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe Halloween.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Making Memories with Shadow Boxes

(Happy Birthday Mom!)

I inherited my grandmother’s house many years ago. I still have not went through everything that came with the house. Boxes remain that have not been sorted and organized. My grandmother was a pack rat but the awesome thing is that she left behind memories of her life like pieces to a puzzle for me to put together.

I have found newspapers and photographs from the 1800s, old magazines, some cool handbags and hats and tons of letters, cards, and little mementos of a long life.

Last Minute Green Halloween Tip: Iconic Necco Wafers Go All-Natural

Now here’s a candy you don’t have to special order online or search high and low for. Necco Wafers can be found at most grocery stores in the candy aisle or currently in the Halloween candy section.

Necco Wafers have been around since 1847 but as a sign of the times they’ve gone “green”.
The 162-year-old Massachusetts company has taken Necco Wafers and made them “all-natural” which makes them the largest mass-produced candy line in the U.S. to get rid of artificial flavoring and colors.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

October’s Scary Themes by Gardener Dave

Here are three little Haikus to remind us
it’s Halloween time again.
Just in case you didn’t remember, ha!…

Toothy pumpkin grins
Ghosts and goblins everywhere
Halloween is here

Bedsheet ghosts abound
Kids in costumes on my porch
Trick or treaters rule!

Zombies beg for “brains”
Vampires search for toothsome necks
Chills run up my spine!


Gardener’s have a few fall tasks to do to
prevent some of the “scariest” things that
otherwise might happen with winter cold.

1. Drain sprinkler systems and disconnect

garden hoses from faucets to prevent

frozen pipes – Expensive to repair!

2. Remove wet soil from clay or ceramic

outdoor pots to prevent freeze cracks
and other weather-related damage.
Keep them dry over winter.

3. Rake up leaves and litter from lawns to
lessen the chances of snow mold or other
diseases on the grass if snow cover persists.

4. Prune weak limbs from trees and shrubs
that might be broken by heavy snows.
Trunk bark may be damaged if limbs
fall and strip downward under the weight.

5. Lay in a supply of gritty sand to spread on
steps and sidewalks to prevent falls on ice.
Kitty litter can get yucky, and use of ice-melting
salts can damage nearby perennial plants.

By the way – we all know that Halloween starts
in September, Thanksgiving and Christmas start
in October or even MUCH earlier, right? At least
we do if we check out the stores!

Happy Holidays!

Gardener Dave


(Please click to see it in larger size)

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Jamar Labs Wipes: Clean Solutions for On the Go Moms

It never fails that when you are out with your kids that something messy happens. It can be a spilled drink, a food mishap, or even stepping in something not so pleasant at the park but what do you clean up with if there’s not a bathroom in sight? Many conventional wipes are made with polyester, wood pulp, binders, fillers and all kinds of chemicals but Jamar Labs offer a variety of eco-friendly wipes.

LITTLE MUSIC LOVERS : Available Online and in Stores in time for Holiday Season

"Little Music Lovers, a four CD series for children was released today by Universal Music Classical in time for the holiday season. The music collections provide parents with an opportunity to introduce their babies and toddlers to the world around them by incorporating beautiful, thought-provoking music from the famous Decca catalog.

Little Music Lovers contains famous works by renowned composers such as Bach, Beethoven and Mozart along with well-known lullabies that will accompany little ones through all of their daily activities including play time, story time and of course, bed time.

Classical music is believed by some researchers to cause “The Mozart Effect,” a phenomenon that can potentially aid in the development of math, reasoning and memory skills, while also giving babies and toddlers a head start on learning language.

The musical pieces found in the Little Music Lovers collection were carefully selected for their melodic content, as well as their impact in enhancing early childhood development. Children will learn from the series, while parents can enjoy many hours of beautiful music.

Little Music Lovers is available for sale at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Borders among other participating retailers.

For more information regarding this music release, visit"

I had the chance to listen to a sample of one of these CDs and it is fabulous, the best of what classical music has to offer and specifically geared towards young children.

When my daughter was little she listened to classical music everyday but I lost those CDs long ago.

Now I am glad to have the opportunity to introduce my little guy, who is 3, to this amazing music. (I just wish he would take naps so I could play classical lullabies to him like I did for my daughter, no such luck)

He already loves music and having the Little Music Lovers CDs will open him up to new music that he can enjoy.

Little Music Lovers CDs have four different CDs to choose from: Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, and Lullabies. The CDs are even seperated into categories for what they are best suited for: Activity Time, Play Time, Story Time, and Bed Time.

I haven't heard this Lullabies CD but I had one along time ago that was Classical Music Lullabies for children and it was so wonderful. Put your little one down for a nap and play the classical was great. My daughter slept so good (and she's 10 now and gets straight A's in school, loves to read and is a great little artist).

Maybe it's not too late for my little guy to start listening to classical music...there may be hope for him yet. :-)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fargo - the Movie

I don't want this to become a movie review blog. But I did finally watch a 1996 movie I have been meaning to watch for a long time - Fargo. Most likely you have already seen this. It has become sort of a classic.

If you have not seen this movie, I would caution you. It is very dark and very graphic. In fact, it is much darker and more graphic than I thought it would be. It is also an extremely good movie. The acting is great and the story line is excellent. But it is not a feel good type movie. When Ethan and Joel Coen produce a movie, you should have some idea what you are getting into.

Francis McDormand plays the police chief of Brainard, Minnesota. She won an Oscar for her performance. It was well deserved.

In her easy going but very perceptive way, she figures out a very brutual crime. The two criminals are quite convincing. The give new meaning to the term depraved.

William Macy plays a sales manager who needs to come up with a lot of cash - and fast. He was nominated for best supporting actor for this role. Unfortunately, his grand plan turns into a fiasco.

Throughout the movie you see the bleak winter of Northern Minnesota. It looks just like Iowa in January or February.

Any one who wants to live in the Midwest needs to see if they can survive a winter first. It is not easy.

The movie is pretty realistic in many ways. The criminals look and act like criminals. People act like people. It is exagerrated a bit, but it is closer to the truth than to fiction in many respects. That is what makes the movie so disturbing to watch. At least it was for me.

If you want to watch a really well written movie with superb acting, Fargo is a good choice. But remember -- it is not a Disney film. In fact, when you watch this film, you know you are no longer in a Disney movie!

Though it is disturbing, it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. However, I don't think I will watch it again.

Last Minute Craft: Go Batty Before Halloween is Over

Halloween is almost upon us, then it’ll be over in a flash. But before Halloween goes into hiding until next year make one more fun, green Halloween craft to your collection. This time make it out of small yogurt containers and black craft foam. It’ll make you go batty, but it’ll be worth it.

Fleur D’Amour Phthalate Free Fragrance

Sylvie Beljanski, owner of the Beljanski Wellness center in Manhattan, has created an indulgent phthalate free and very sophisticated French fragrance named Fleur D’Amour.

Sylvie worked with French perfumer Jean Pierre Subrenat to create a distinctly French scent, subtly floral with top notes of bergamot and bourgeons de cassis, middle notes of lily of the valley, Moroccan jasmine, pink peony, and Bulgarian rose and bottom notes of white amber, modern musks, Australian sandalwood, and a drop of Madagascar vanilla.

The result is a very light and feminine scent perfect for night or day.

Click to Continue Reading

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It was the second day of Daddy's passes. We had breakfast before heading to Mom's house , we had so much things to do on 2nd day as the following night was going to be 'nyenggai' night.(breakfast is so important, I almost fainted in the kitchen a day before sebab terlalu lapar, sibuk melayan tetamu and I didn't eat the whole day!!!) so we decided to eat Kolok Mee at Ah Seng's stall, at least I didn't suffer so much. Suddenly, a young lady touched my shoulder.

Girl: Kakak, ada pegi waterfront sana tak?

Me: Tidak. Sorry

Girl: Mana tempat tunggu bas?

Me: Tu! You jalan lurus saja.

Girl: (Muka dah gelisah) ... Mana itu terminal bas?

Me: Kalo yang itu, sana .. Batu 3 sana! - Pointing at the other side

Dang, she looked so worrisome. I know something must have happened to her. We invited her to join us for a cup of coffee and she started telling us her story. She introduced herself as *Amy - bukan nama sebenar and came from Senadin, Miri. Her friend gave her a phone number and told her to go down to Kuching for an interview, for a vacancy of clerical job. This innocent girl, believed her friend 110% and dropped by at King Centre and met the 'boss'. She then, brought to a karaoke outlet, just next to our regular breakfast spot and asked to entertain the male patrons. You may know her job right, yes... a GRO. She was so scared and told the 'taukey neo' that she can't do that kind of job.

The next morning, she told the kind 'taukey neo' that she had to go back to Miri as she is not capable to do such job. She's not that kind of lady. I can see from her words and her personality, she comes from a good family background.

Hubby then decided to send her to 3rd Mile Express Bus Terminal and bought her a bus ticket to Miri. Lucky her, the next bus was scheduled to leave at 8:30 a.m. We gave her some pocket money so that she could eat and buy herself handphone top up. We reminded her to contact her sister immediately. She wanted to pawn her jewellery but I forbid her. "Just take this money it would be enough for you". I told her.

She thanked us in tears. Hubby gave her his business card. "Remember, go in the bus, otherwise bad people will go after you" . Hubby warned her. Poor girl, God really had performed His miracle thru us despite my sadness of losing my father.

Few hours later, in the evening we received her first SMS. "Terima kasih abg, kakak, hanya Tuhan saja yang dapat membalas jasa baik abang dan kakak. Saya sekarang baru sampai di Betong". Phewwww.. we're glad to hear news from her.

*Amy was one of the luckiest girls who was saved by us because she just landed in Kuching. What would happen to her if she had gone to KL or Singapore and her passport/ID was detained by her so called employer? Nowadays, it is very hard to put trust on people especially your own friend, who knows that *Amy's friend had already received her 'commission'? Ko makanlah duit haram ya, biar jadi ulat dan busuk dalam perut ko sebab ko suka tipu kawan. Hati binatang.

May God always protect our girls from bad influence. Amen.

Suey’s Scents: Awesome Aromas In Soy

Suey’s Scents offers highly scented candles and bath and body products made with soy and high quality essential oils. The results are awesomely fragrant products that smell amazing.

I love Suey’s Scents because they are a small company and the products are all handmade with care about the environment. The soy is sourced from US farmers and the ingredients are as pure and natural as possible.

An Unfinished Life

I guess all of us have our favorite movies. One of mine is An Unfinished Life.

I like this movie so much I gave a DVD of it to my daughter for her birthday. It is a story about forgiveness. I suppose that is in short supply some times.

Jennifer Lopez plays a woman who is the victim of domestic abuse and runs away from an abusive man. She runs from Iowa all the way to Wyoming to stay with her former father-in-law, Einer (Redford).

She brings with her, her 10-year old daughter - the granddaughter Einer has never met.

Einer doesn't want her around. About 10 years earlier she was driving the car that was in an accident. Einer's son was killed. Since his son's death, Einer has been drinking and grieving. His wife left him and now he lives alone on a ranch with his long time friend played by Morgan Freeman.

Morgan Freeman's character was mauled by a grizzly bear earlier. Now that he is recovering, he has asked Einer to figure out a way to release the bear from a make shift zoo and set him free. Freeman's character wants to forgive the bear for the attack. As Einer looks at the bear in this scene, he doesn't understand why his friend would want the bear released.

Einer refuses to forgive Lopez's character for the death of his son. However, it is the granddaughter, named Griff after her father (Griffin), who manages to finally get through to the grandfather she has never met.

Over time Einer starts to love his granddaughter and the two of them do everything from driving an old truck together to learning about horses.

Through his granddaughter, Einer is able to finally forgive his former daughter-in-law and, most importantly, in some way, to forgive himself. Through a lot of soul searching he decides perhaps it is time to live again and quit wallowing in the past.

I think the movie provides a lesson for all of us. That even though life may not deal us a fair hand and even though we have our trials and tribulations, life is meant to be lived - not mourned.

Instead of drowning ourselves in the various sorrows that have surrounded us, we need to be strong enough and willing enough to push through the past and look to the future.

This last image is just for fun -- it shows the video with the French title. Last night I watched French Kiss (a very good movie if you have not seen it). Johnny Carson used to always say that he really didn't care what the French were saying, he just liked to listen to the language as it is so beautiful. I agree.

Thanks for stopping by.


It took me two weeks to write about this...

Honestly, I am heartbroken still.... sepertinya perasaan ini sudah mati, gone with my dad's departure. My spirits have scattered and I am picking it back pieces by pieces. Thanks to all your supports and wishes that giving me strength to continue this so called journey of life, I don't want to see my mom growing weaker in spirit. I am strong, Mom, you know that deep inside you are a Super Woman.

I bet many readers out there dying to know what was actually happened.

On 10th October, I went to visit my parents as usual, everyone was exciting as the next day was the final day to transfer the big cabinets from old house to the new house. Yes, we were at my parents' new house. (Poor Daddy, he just slept at the new house for 3 nights.....) Dad was there sitting on the couch and watching tv. He was in pain but he acted strong. He had breathing problem and sometimes he trembled and had cold sweats. He thought that his sugar level has dropped down so he drank the sugar liquid that Mom diluted and sometimes picking the candies inside the bowl that was placed on coffee table.

My bro Thadeus, that evening accompanied dad resting in his bedroom and applying some Vicks on his chest and back whilst I joined them and we had great time, didn't I know that it was our last time together... I was like reluctant to go home by 11:00 p.m., tried to figure out my feelings but I can't. My feet seemed heavy to step out of that house. Dad reminded me to be there before 7:30 a.m tomorrow. Thinking of myself, I needed longer time to sleep, I bid goodbye and promised to come back again.

My daddy and I,
Pantai Lumut, Perak circa 1980

At home, I had difficulty to sleep so I stayed up late till 3:00 a.m. What was happening to me? Alas! I needed to refresh myself for I supposed to help my family to move the next morning I told myself. Then I fell asleep.

At 4:30 a.m., my handphone rang. When I picked it up I heard my Mom sounded so worrisome. She asked me to come over and sent Dad to hospital quickly. They couldn't sleep as my Dad kept on complaining about his breathing problem. I woke my hubby up and we, didn't realized how bad my Daddy's condition was, we brushed our teeth, took our bath and it was 5:00 a.m.

We arrived at my parents place after 5:30 a.m. I found him sitting on the bed, half way dressing up. He needed us to lift him up so he could wear his pants on. Then he asked for cold water. I told him it was not appropriate as I saw him perspired, in cold sweats. He was having his hard time, gasping for air and it was 6:00 a.m. Mom started to cry, adding more panics and Ted was too. "Call your aunty now, quick!!" Mom instructed me. I grabbed my HP and called my aunty Mag. Her house is just a few blocks away, when she came, she rushed to my Dad's bedroom and cried.

Dad, in his pain, told me to call ambulance as he needed oxygen. I called Rescue 991 for their service is faster than hospital. Yes, they were fast but God was faster than them. With one long last breath, my Dad collapsed and left us forever. I rushed to his bed and uncle gave me his hand, it was cold.

Dear God, why have You taken our Daddy from us? Why?

My late father was diabetic, apart from that he had no problems but he had gout. Poor Daddy. I am very proud to be his daughter, do you know that Dad? If he could witness his funeral, he would have been very,very proud. All his friends and relatives were present. I guess, they were hundreds of them. The congregation was bountiful like Sunday mass, yet he was nobody in his life, not a VIP but his farewell was a big celebration. It showed how close his relationship with Him and working for Him without hesitance. This is the legacy that we will carry and continue from now on. This is what he wanted.

My daddy and I,
Ipoh, Perak circa 1980

I am happy now Daddy that you are safe in His arms. Don't worry Daddy, I will take care of Mak, Yut, Toy & Ted. Believe me that I can carry this responsibility as you did. I love you and always miss you Daddy.

"Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him."

Rest in peace, my best friend...... Till we meet again, in heaven.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Beyond The Usual Fall Gardening Chores by Donna Duffy

When the days become shorter and the leaves start to fall, most gardeners go about the business of doing the routine fall tasks – pruning, mulching, garden clean-up, planting bulbs. Here are four additional fall chores that you might not think about.

1. Get a garden journal. Use it to record what worked this summer, what you want to change, new plants you’d like to try…anything that is fresh on your mind at the end of the gardening season.  Be specific rather than general: for example, “eliminate Primrose and Valerian in front garden” will be more helpful than “get rid of invasive plants.”  If you are like many of us, those details get lost in the hustle-bustle of the holidays and the long, cold days of winter. In the springtime, your journal will be a bridge between fall and spring, and will help you jump start the new gardening season.

2. Do some container maintenance. Protection for containers containing woody or herbaceous perennial species may include heavy mulching or burying the container in the ground. Many containers, especially porous ones, will crack if the moist media is allowed to freeze and thaw throughout the winter. Often perennials, ornamental grasses, and woody plants are treated as annuals in containers and not overwintered. However, these plants could be transplanted into gardens and landscapes before the ground freezes. All media and plants should be discarded into the compost pile at the end of the growing season. Disinfect containers by scrubbing with a 10 percent solution of chlorine bleach to kill any organisms that remain on the container. (Reference: CSU Extension Fact Sheet # 7.238)

3. Make structural changes in your landscape. Fall is the perfect time to develop the structure or foundation for a new garden. Determine the size and placement of the new garden, put in the border, improve the soil, eliminate the grass if necessary, then relax and use your winter hours to ponder the new garden. Because you won’t be able to run out to a garden store and grab the first pretty plant you see, your new garden can be planned more intentionally. Browse the catalogues, look over your gardening books and magazines, sketch the new garden on paper and try out a variety of designs. By the time springtime rolls around, you’ll be well prepared to finish your garden masterpiece!

4. Create a study list. Think back about the challenges you had this year. Maybe you were pestered by garden pests. Perhaps your aspen trees died. Or maybe your lawn just wasn’t up to snuff. Whatever the problem, there are a wealth of resources available to help you avoid or manage the problem next year. Start with the CMG website at: From the home page, you can find CSU Extension Fact Sheets, on-line yard and garden publications, and get your questions answered on Plant Talk. Selectively choose resources related to the problems you experienced and create a study list. Record your learnings and next steps in your garden journal. In April, you’ll thank yourself.

Monkey Moccasins from Nowali

The monkey moccasins from Nowali are the cutest things. Part sock, part slipper, and all cute my little guy fell in love with them as soon as he laid eyes on them.

If you follow my writing you know my three year old is bananas about monkeys so anything I can find with monkeys on it goes to my very own little monkey man. Now thanks to Nowali he can even have monkeys on his feet.

Kissably Green Lips with NVEY ECO

Ever since I heard that some lipsticks contain lead and many lip glosses and lip balms use petroleum products I have made a conscious choice to green my lips. I’ve found many lip balms that I love but green glosses and true eco-lipsticks have eluded me…until now. I have tried a couple of NVEY ECO’s lipsticks and one of their glosses and…I am smitten.

NVEY ECO’s products offer high performance without chemical fillers and the colors are phenomenal.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lab Created Gemstones Are More Eco Than Mined Gemstones

Are you looking for some beautiful bling but can’t stand the guilt of buying newly mined gemstones?

Consider lab created gemstones. Synthetic diamonds, rubies, emeralds and sapphires are nearly identical to the real thing. In fact these sparkling beauties are physically, optically and chemically identical to the real thing. Minus the awful amount of mining waste, pollution, and environmental destruction that mining often creates plus the ethical problems associated with mining in third world countries.


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