
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Potential Vitamins

Here's something I think wuld help my daughter focus more. She's a great student but she doesn't get to the levels I know she is capable of. I think a lot of it has to do with her nutrition. She doesn't eat like she should and I think this makes her flighty sometimes.

I am a strong believer in vitamins and nutritional supplements. I always took them as a child and was happy and healthy. In my adult years I have suffered from a lot of illness and depression when not taking regular supplements.

I want my children to be happy and healthy but I struggle with finding the best all in one supplement for them because I know they are not going to take multiple pills everyday.

Potential looks like the perfect product for my children.

Look at some of the info about Potential taken from their site:

Potential™ Ingredients Not Found in Mass Market Vitamins*

Important Antioxidants from High ORAC Fruit Concentrates*

Not only do high ORAC fruit & berry concentrates provide delicious natural flavor and color, they provide essential, concentrated antioxidant supplementation from natural whole food sources.

High ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) antioxidants from fruits & berries have been shown to be beneficial for healthy brain and nerve function and behavior. We developed a proprietary blend of High ORAC fruit & berry extracts from wild bilberry, blueberry, cherry, cranberry, elderberry, raspberry, rose hips, orange, strawberry & red concord grapeskin - which is not typically found in commercial multi-vitamins for kids.

The fruit & berry concentrates in Kids Potential™ is a custom blend designed to meet the needs of the original research study to support learning, memory and healthy brain function.*

According to the US Dept. of Agriculture, "50% of children in the US consume the USDA recommended number of servings in any given pyramid group and 80% DO NOT EAT the recommended number of nutrient rich fruits and vegetables." US Dept. of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Family Economics & Nutrition Review, Trends in Food & Nutrient Intakes by Children in the US.
All Natural, Not Synthetic Form of Vitamin E*

Potential™ contains all natural, full spectrum Vitamin E -- one of the most expensive ingredients in any multiple vitamin. Potential™ contains mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols which each play an important role as antioxidants and are more fully utilized by the body than synthetic (dl form) Vitamin E. Because Potential™ relies on food source nutrients, the Vitamin E in Potential™ is the very same full spectrum Vitamin E you would find in fresh, wholesome foods. The bio-potency of natural Vitamin E is twice that of synthetic Vitamin E. While synthetic Vitamin E is cheaper and is typically used in mass market kids vitamins, you won't find it in Kids Potential™.

Vitamhorm 2007: Vol. 76, p.281-308, "Alpha Tocopherol Sterioisomers," Jensen, SK, Lauridsen, C, Dept. of Animal Health, Welfare & Nutrition, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Aarhus, Denmark.

The body only uses the D-Form (natural) of Vitamin E. Since there really is no body of research to clarify what happens to the L-form (synthetic form) of Vitamin E, and our bodies are not designed to accept the synthetic form, the long term implications are unknown. The L-form (synthetic) is used in most commercially available kids multi-vitamins, but not in Potential™.

Full Spectrum Forms = Complete Supplementation*

Potential™ contains multi-source forms of ingredients to ensure full spectrum nutrition. For example, commercially available products may contain beta carotene, but not all other (or full spectrum) carotenoids. In a balanced diet, kids would get full spectrum vitamin supplementation. Since we know that kids do not generally eat balanced diets, Potential™ provides full spectrum, supplemental nutrition. Instead of just beta carotene, Potential™ provides beta carotene with mixed carotenoids.

Active Forms = Better for Most Bodies*

Potential™ contains the "Active Form" of vitamins so that the body doesn't need to make the conversion. Genetic differences in the population cause some individuals to have difficulty making these conversions. "Active Forms" do all the work for you. These forms are more expensive, but we use them in Potential™ for the kids' benefit. Several examples are: Potential™ contains two forms of Vitamin B-12 (methylcobalamin is an expensive form), phosphorylated (Active) forms of Vitamin B2, B6, Niacin, Niacinamide, two different forms of Vitamin C (fat soluble & water soluble) and full spectrum, mixed carotenoids as they would occur in a balanced diet.

Full Spectrum Minerals*

Minerals are generally not palatable and are also difficult to absorb. Potential™ provides a broad range of multi-source minerals which are designed for palatability and provide a diversity of nutritional sources, similar to our omniverous diet. Each chewable wafer provides a broad spectrum of minerals, including calcium, magnesium, zinc, manganese, chromium and molybdenum. Additionally, Potential™ provides Selenium -- an important antioxidant for brain function which is not typically found in mass market kids' vitamins.

Potential™ also provides a unique form of iron which is a critical nutrient for developing brains. Many popular mass market kids vitamins, like gummies are missing this essential nutrient for growing kids.
Potential™ also contains Taurine, an amino acid that plays many roles in brain metabolism -- both as a protective nutrient against environmental toxis, but also in brain chemistry regulating nerve function, neurotransmitter activity and behavior.

No Artificial Colors or Flavors

Many experts and parents believe that some ingredients are nutritionally unnecessary, especially for children and result in undesirable behavior and other negative effects. A recent study published in The Lancet medical journal documents the impact of food additives on behavior in children:

SOURCE: The Lancet, September 6, 2007: McCann D et al, "Food Additives & Hyperactive Behavior in 3 Year old and 8/9 Year Old Children in the community: A Randomized, Double-Blinded, Placebo Controlled Trial."


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