
Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Fargo - the Movie

I don't want this to become a movie review blog. But I did finally watch a 1996 movie I have been meaning to watch for a long time - Fargo. Most likely you have already seen this. It has become sort of a classic.

If you have not seen this movie, I would caution you. It is very dark and very graphic. In fact, it is much darker and more graphic than I thought it would be. It is also an extremely good movie. The acting is great and the story line is excellent. But it is not a feel good type movie. When Ethan and Joel Coen produce a movie, you should have some idea what you are getting into.

Francis McDormand plays the police chief of Brainard, Minnesota. She won an Oscar for her performance. It was well deserved.

In her easy going but very perceptive way, she figures out a very brutual crime. The two criminals are quite convincing. The give new meaning to the term depraved.

William Macy plays a sales manager who needs to come up with a lot of cash - and fast. He was nominated for best supporting actor for this role. Unfortunately, his grand plan turns into a fiasco.

Throughout the movie you see the bleak winter of Northern Minnesota. It looks just like Iowa in January or February.

Any one who wants to live in the Midwest needs to see if they can survive a winter first. It is not easy.

The movie is pretty realistic in many ways. The criminals look and act like criminals. People act like people. It is exagerrated a bit, but it is closer to the truth than to fiction in many respects. That is what makes the movie so disturbing to watch. At least it was for me.

If you want to watch a really well written movie with superb acting, Fargo is a good choice. But remember -- it is not a Disney film. In fact, when you watch this film, you know you are no longer in a Disney movie!

Though it is disturbing, it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. However, I don't think I will watch it again.

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