
Sunday, October 4, 2009


Please forgive me for my hiatus. So many things bothering my blogging time, my friends. They're actually more to responsibility, so I have to reject some less important things like lepak-lepak, window shopping etc. I am called to do this entry upon reading my friend, Shella's blog just now.

I received a call from my dad on last Thursday, telling me that his right leg was in pain. I quickly prepared the guarantee letter and got my boss to sign it. At 4 p.m., we arrived at SGH and had his first assessment at the triage zone. 15 minutes later, he was referred to a doctor at the treatment zone. 15 minutes later, he was asked to x-ray his leg. Wow! It was damn fast, I told myself.

The X-Ray room. I sat outside next to the toilet, enjoying my savoury bun. The time was 5:30 p.m. I was hungry and the queue was long! It was only after 6 p.m., dad was referred back to Room 2, the treatment room and the X-ray result was handed to the on-duty doctor. So, we waited at the waiting area, again whilst they analyzed the film. We waited and waited till nothing happened and when I saw the time was 8:30 p.m., I turned panic! I grabbed my hp and sent SMS to my boss. 2 minutes later, a Senior Medical Assistant came to us and told us to wait for the Medical Officer to attend us. He told us that my dad needed to be reviewed by two disciplines - medical and orthopaedic. He then advised us to go for dinner as the time was nearly 9:00 p.m. and he asked for my hp number, in case the doctor came he would call to notify us. So then we went off to 3rd mile to have dinner.

There were not so many people around. I was wondering what were those medical staff doing inside there? Tried to stay calm, I watched 'Gondoruwo' on TV. Rozita Che Wan?? Diana Danielle? Hmm.. not bad. Better watched to avoid myself going insane in waiting.

OK. My patience has limit. It's already 9:45 p.m. I called up my boss to let him know my situation was. He returned to call me again 10 minutes later and telling me that they were awaiting for Orthopaedic Specialist results on my dad's leg condition. The doctor who supposed to check my dad's leg is actually doing other 'serious' routine in medical ward. Ward and Emergency Department are two different areas. I thanked and at the same time asking for apology for disturbing his night.

It was only after midnight, dad was diagnosed with leg cellulitis. We sent him home shortly after that and the moment we arrived at our crib, it was already 2:00 a.m. I took bath and checked my incoming mails. As usual, it is hard for me to go to sleep early, lately.

So it's up to you guys to decide how lagging the system is in our local government hospital. I, as one of the medical staff am also disappointed with their service. If this can happen to me, (who already sought help from my boss, still had to wait for hours) what more to others?

Frankly speaking, I still sent my dad there because he was referred by Dr. JoJo who checked him before at Klinik Astana a week before. For mild cases like flu, cough, cuts etc I'd rather spend my $$$$$ at private clinic.

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