
Monday, October 12, 2009

Same Sex Marriage and Pres. Obama

"You will see a time in which we as a nation finally recognize relationships between two men or two women as just as real and admirable as relationships between a man and a woman."
Pres. Barack Obama to the Human Rights Campaign's 13th Annual Dinner, Oct 10, 2009.

This is an historic and hugely monumental statement for the President to make. It's a reflection of where we as a country are headed and a graphic depiction of how severely the moral decline of the USA is impacting every area of our society.

You can see the full text of Pres. Obama's speech here.

Al Mohler addresses this event in a poignant and significant posting on his blog today. You can read that post here.

I know the knee-jerk reaction to this within the conservative Christian community will be protest and outrage. Yet, the godly response should be to ramp up our intercession for the leaders of our country, crying out to God to have mercy on them and spare us,as a country, from His wrath.

I think it's time that the people of the United States abandon the notion that we are, somehow in spite of all the evidence, God's 'other chosen people' just because we have a relationship with Israel, just because a precious few of our founders were actually Christians and just because churches are allowed to function freely. None of this will spare our country from God's judgment. None of this will buy us a 'pass' for living lives of blasphemy and rebellion against a holy and just God.

The church's part, our part, in all this is prayer, folks. As His people, our obligation is; to pray for those who rule over us, to be light in a darkened world, to show the love of Christ to.....sinners! The Bible never tells us to rise up against them nor to judge them. That's God's job.

It may be closer than we think.

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