
Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It took me two weeks to write about this...

Honestly, I am heartbroken still.... sepertinya perasaan ini sudah mati, gone with my dad's departure. My spirits have scattered and I am picking it back pieces by pieces. Thanks to all your supports and wishes that giving me strength to continue this so called journey of life, I don't want to see my mom growing weaker in spirit. I am strong, Mom, you know that deep inside you are a Super Woman.

I bet many readers out there dying to know what was actually happened.

On 10th October, I went to visit my parents as usual, everyone was exciting as the next day was the final day to transfer the big cabinets from old house to the new house. Yes, we were at my parents' new house. (Poor Daddy, he just slept at the new house for 3 nights.....) Dad was there sitting on the couch and watching tv. He was in pain but he acted strong. He had breathing problem and sometimes he trembled and had cold sweats. He thought that his sugar level has dropped down so he drank the sugar liquid that Mom diluted and sometimes picking the candies inside the bowl that was placed on coffee table.

My bro Thadeus, that evening accompanied dad resting in his bedroom and applying some Vicks on his chest and back whilst I joined them and we had great time, didn't I know that it was our last time together... I was like reluctant to go home by 11:00 p.m., tried to figure out my feelings but I can't. My feet seemed heavy to step out of that house. Dad reminded me to be there before 7:30 a.m tomorrow. Thinking of myself, I needed longer time to sleep, I bid goodbye and promised to come back again.

My daddy and I,
Pantai Lumut, Perak circa 1980

At home, I had difficulty to sleep so I stayed up late till 3:00 a.m. What was happening to me? Alas! I needed to refresh myself for I supposed to help my family to move the next morning I told myself. Then I fell asleep.

At 4:30 a.m., my handphone rang. When I picked it up I heard my Mom sounded so worrisome. She asked me to come over and sent Dad to hospital quickly. They couldn't sleep as my Dad kept on complaining about his breathing problem. I woke my hubby up and we, didn't realized how bad my Daddy's condition was, we brushed our teeth, took our bath and it was 5:00 a.m.

We arrived at my parents place after 5:30 a.m. I found him sitting on the bed, half way dressing up. He needed us to lift him up so he could wear his pants on. Then he asked for cold water. I told him it was not appropriate as I saw him perspired, in cold sweats. He was having his hard time, gasping for air and it was 6:00 a.m. Mom started to cry, adding more panics and Ted was too. "Call your aunty now, quick!!" Mom instructed me. I grabbed my HP and called my aunty Mag. Her house is just a few blocks away, when she came, she rushed to my Dad's bedroom and cried.

Dad, in his pain, told me to call ambulance as he needed oxygen. I called Rescue 991 for their service is faster than hospital. Yes, they were fast but God was faster than them. With one long last breath, my Dad collapsed and left us forever. I rushed to his bed and uncle gave me his hand, it was cold.

Dear God, why have You taken our Daddy from us? Why?

My late father was diabetic, apart from that he had no problems but he had gout. Poor Daddy. I am very proud to be his daughter, do you know that Dad? If he could witness his funeral, he would have been very,very proud. All his friends and relatives were present. I guess, they were hundreds of them. The congregation was bountiful like Sunday mass, yet he was nobody in his life, not a VIP but his farewell was a big celebration. It showed how close his relationship with Him and working for Him without hesitance. This is the legacy that we will carry and continue from now on. This is what he wanted.

My daddy and I,
Ipoh, Perak circa 1980

I am happy now Daddy that you are safe in His arms. Don't worry Daddy, I will take care of Mak, Yut, Toy & Ted. Believe me that I can carry this responsibility as you did. I love you and always miss you Daddy.

"Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon him."

Rest in peace, my best friend...... Till we meet again, in heaven.

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