
Tuesday, October 27, 2009


It was the second day of Daddy's passes. We had breakfast before heading to Mom's house , we had so much things to do on 2nd day as the following night was going to be 'nyenggai' night.(breakfast is so important, I almost fainted in the kitchen a day before sebab terlalu lapar, sibuk melayan tetamu and I didn't eat the whole day!!!) so we decided to eat Kolok Mee at Ah Seng's stall, at least I didn't suffer so much. Suddenly, a young lady touched my shoulder.

Girl: Kakak, ada pegi waterfront sana tak?

Me: Tidak. Sorry

Girl: Mana tempat tunggu bas?

Me: Tu! You jalan lurus saja.

Girl: (Muka dah gelisah) ... Mana itu terminal bas?

Me: Kalo yang itu, sana .. Batu 3 sana! - Pointing at the other side

Dang, she looked so worrisome. I know something must have happened to her. We invited her to join us for a cup of coffee and she started telling us her story. She introduced herself as *Amy - bukan nama sebenar and came from Senadin, Miri. Her friend gave her a phone number and told her to go down to Kuching for an interview, for a vacancy of clerical job. This innocent girl, believed her friend 110% and dropped by at King Centre and met the 'boss'. She then, brought to a karaoke outlet, just next to our regular breakfast spot and asked to entertain the male patrons. You may know her job right, yes... a GRO. She was so scared and told the 'taukey neo' that she can't do that kind of job.

The next morning, she told the kind 'taukey neo' that she had to go back to Miri as she is not capable to do such job. She's not that kind of lady. I can see from her words and her personality, she comes from a good family background.

Hubby then decided to send her to 3rd Mile Express Bus Terminal and bought her a bus ticket to Miri. Lucky her, the next bus was scheduled to leave at 8:30 a.m. We gave her some pocket money so that she could eat and buy herself handphone top up. We reminded her to contact her sister immediately. She wanted to pawn her jewellery but I forbid her. "Just take this money it would be enough for you". I told her.

She thanked us in tears. Hubby gave her his business card. "Remember, go in the bus, otherwise bad people will go after you" . Hubby warned her. Poor girl, God really had performed His miracle thru us despite my sadness of losing my father.

Few hours later, in the evening we received her first SMS. "Terima kasih abg, kakak, hanya Tuhan saja yang dapat membalas jasa baik abang dan kakak. Saya sekarang baru sampai di Betong". Phewwww.. we're glad to hear news from her.

*Amy was one of the luckiest girls who was saved by us because she just landed in Kuching. What would happen to her if she had gone to KL or Singapore and her passport/ID was detained by her so called employer? Nowadays, it is very hard to put trust on people especially your own friend, who knows that *Amy's friend had already received her 'commission'? Ko makanlah duit haram ya, biar jadi ulat dan busuk dalam perut ko sebab ko suka tipu kawan. Hati binatang.

May God always protect our girls from bad influence. Amen.

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