
Thursday, July 1, 2010


Welcome to the 7th month of the year. Where have we gone so far?

  • Ariel 'Peterporn's video spread on the internet,
  • England, Portugal, Italy and other big names have said bye bye to the World Cup this year,
  • I don't have enough time to blog and when I'm free, I'm running out of idea,
  • My appetite is killing me back!

Yes. I hate my appetite, I need to suppress my elephant's appetite. Very very bad for me. Haha. Let us recap what is happening lately. At home, things are like usual. MIL's screaming, nephew's tantrum, Gabby had moved to a new room and sleeps alone. Mama's girl is a tween now!

Workloads are as usual giving me hard time but I love it, I love being busy and occupied all the times. Don't know what kind of surprise this life will give after this? Frankly speaking, we're so affected emotionally and financially.

I just let where my life leads me, after a long, serious, heart to heart conversation with hubby, he's finally agreed. Thanks love. You really understand this stubborn lady. Need to change the wind, changing new direction and looking for a better Feng Shui, perhaps?

Whatever it is, que sera sera, what ever will be, will be......

With Love,

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