
Saturday, July 17, 2010



It's been ages since I last updated my blog. Very sorry readers, I'm packed with my office stuff what else? Works. This week has been so cruel to me and I feel guilty as the impact also hit my girls - Surie, Elfyna and Zuriana. Don't worry guys, I have now found the way to tackle the obstacles. Just snap my fingers!

Oh yes, this time I'm gonna share some pictures which I find so nostalgic. The first two pictures were taken at Hijau, BDC. Let me share you the story.

This is Curry Mee, made by Asep of Zaihana Corner. RM5.00 really worth it. What I love about this particular dish is the condiments are unlimited! Haha. I shared this with hubby and yet, I felt so bloated. The level of spiciness is definitely OK for me. I love spicy food. Sad to say, this dish is no longer sold at Hijau.

Another one hit, or should I say one night (stand) wonder of Hijau was this particular dish. Penang Char Mee @ Mee Goreng Pulau Pinang. I love this type of noodle, it is fried yet not too oily. Love the condiments like fresh sweet prawns and cockles. Yum. Again, it was sold for one night.

Huh???!! Calm down. Haha. Got this from my old Photobucket album. Gabby was 4 years old then. Cute ain't she? She's now a beautiful tween, sleeping alone and has started using deodorant!


With Love,

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