
Saturday, January 2, 2010


.... Scared enough to see what happened to us on the first day of 2010?

By the way, I love the title of this entry so much. Haha.

Gabby and Momma went to saloon and behold people, these are the results after spending more than 3 effin' hours and burnt RM123.00 (4D junkies, please buy these numbers - 123. Thank you. Haha.)

The daughter's look. Innocent but sultry.

Mother looks like a 'Bayat' hahaha... And resembles Mrs. Zebra. Ain't it cool people? Say YES lah..... say lah...

RM 123.00 consists of hair wash for 2, hair treatment for 2, hair cut for 2 and hair bleaching for 1. Cheap ain't it?

I didn't go to Alan's Inspiration to get inspired. Nope, didn't go to see Mr. Toni and his Guy to cut my hair. I just went to a decent saloon named, ROWENA at Padungan. It's located just opposite the Grand Continental Hotel, at the first floor - there are Taka Bakery and Go Fun Kee Bak Kut Teh at the ground floor. You won't get lost. Oh, Rowena is the owner and she's a very bubbly Chinese-Iban lady who kept on asking whether Gabby wants to be her daughter-in-law. Haha. Kesian my girl. Awal awal sudah kena booked.

Try lah one day, you'll never regret. I guess it's the only saloon in Kuching that opens as early as 7:45 in the morning because she has to cope with her regular clients who work at the nearby banks. Take note that this saloon has existed for more than 20 years. Whoa.... lady bankers set their hair before going to work meh? Lihai...lihaii....

OK people. Time to sign off. I need to wash my face, so oily. Yuxxxx.

With Love,

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