
Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I miss to Facebook. My blog is rarely updated lately. Sekarang tengah fikir nak buat sempoi-sempoi bahasa saja. Saja-saja jerkkk... Ahaks. Yes, as long as I am updated right? Righhhhttt.....

New Year so far has given me a new boss and a new lifestyle. Talking about new boss, he's very handful. He's totally different from the others that I've handled before. Oh yes, kau pun kenalah menjadi sang labah-labah yang sungguh hebat kuasa multi-taskingnya untuk berjuang di meja L-shape ini setiap hari. Spiderwoman? Malulah pakai title tu, aku kan labah-labah gemok, mana dapat panjat bagai?

Lapar? Haus? This big packet of drinks always saves my day most of the times. This week, I cut down the soy bean drinks intake. Gula tinggi sey! So sekarang makan minum kena jaga, bak kata my Physician, "Diet is not about how much do you eat but what you eat" - sambil mengatur rambutnya yang ala² Posh Spice itu.

Oh, how tired I am. Kan beruang-beruang Koala? Luckily today there's no business on. Hey, gotta leave you guys now. I have to accomplish the minutes of meeting. Actually, there are 2 meetings plus another 10 pages of documents to be retyped. I don't think that I'm losing weight but my fingers are getting stronger day by day dek kerana menaip terlalu banyak.

Lately, I've been thinking to move out from this unit. I've been here for 10 years. Been thinking to move to hospital. The question is, when am I going to take action?

So readers, I'm signing off now. Tata!

With Love,

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