
Friday, January 1, 2010


Here in Iowa it is COLD. We are talking temperatures way, way below zero. The forecast is for 20 below zero in Iowa tonight. The high temperature, even on a sunny day, does not break double digits.

This is my driveway. Well, it's there some place.

I will be using this green, mean machine to clear out the snow. Again.

I don't mind snow too much. But I don't like the frigid cold. And I really dislike ice. My pony's water pail starts out like this.

It will look like this within a couple of hours.

Zeke, the cat, watches things closely. The barn is her domain.

Her water bowl looks like this when I put water in it.

But it will not take long for it to turn into this.

Bailey is good to help with the barn chores.

But after a while in the snow and cold and ice...

He is ready to go inside. So am I.

Sometimes the best place to be is inside where it is warm and dry.

Wonder what we can find to eat? A hot meal and football. Or maybe a good movie. Or a book. The possibilities are endless.

Thanks for stopping by.

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