
Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where Have I Been?

Often at night I listen to talk radio. Usually I listen to sports talk. "If the Jets can ..." and "If the Cavaliers can..." and "If the Cubs can ...."

But sometimes I listen to a show called Coast to Coast AM. This show is about the paranormal and I am always fascinated to hear people calling in with these incredible stories.

Many people claim they have been abducted by aliens.

Of course the aliens have probed and prodded and done all sorts of tests -- but they never talk.

And the person has been allowed to return to his farm house in No Place, Ohio, so that he can warn the world of an upcoming alien invasion!

Often a special guest on the show will discuss ghosts. Such a person claims to have an advanced degree in physics or rocket science or some other incredible hard science. Yet he has stumbled across evidence that proves ghosts roam the earth.

These guests always have books you can buy (interesting coincidence) that show pictures of real live (huh? oh well...) spirits!

I am always fascinated by the people who spend their evenings walking around cemeteries with tape recorders so they can pick up the sounds of moaning ghosts. These people are very serious about what they do and they play back tapes of children or women crying for help.

Lots of people call in and talk about seeing shadow people in their houses at night.

I live alone with my dog, Bailey. I live in the country far from neighbors and surrounded by open land. Yet I have never seen a Big Foot, seen a flying saucer, heard the moans of spirits or even seen shadow people in my house. Where have I been?!?

That's fine with me. I will just stick with the Jetsons. They are my kind of people and I love their car!

Thanks for stopping by.

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