
Saturday, January 30, 2010

its-laS-tik reusable shopping bags

Tired of boring reusable shopping bags that have no style, no glitz, no glamor?

Well, its-laS-tik has the solution- fun, fashionable and brightly colored bags made in New Orleans.

Click to Continue Reading

Friday, January 29, 2010

Officials: Pine beetle infestation has peaked

The pine beetle has just about eaten all the pines we have in the Colorado Mountains.  The infestation has peaked but the remaining millions of dead trees are causing a new hazard for us.

Officials: Pine beetle infestation has peaked - The Denver Post

There is also concern that the beetle is headed eastward toward our Front Range  mountain communities.

Read this.

I Wish I Had This Book for Christmas

Browsing through my local library’s green section I recently came across A Greener Christmas. Wow! I really wish I would have had this book at Christmas. What a great book filled with crafts and recipes to bring back the old fashioned feeling of a true Christmas, not a glitzy glammy one.

I have discovered several ideas in the book that can easily be transformed to fit Valentine’s Day so I don’t have to wait almost a whole year to put any of these nifty ideas into use.

Click to Continue Reading

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Review of Desert Essence Organics Coconut Hand Wash

Desert Essence is one of my favorite organic brands, mainly because I love their coconut and vanilla chai scented products.

Now in addition to their body lotions and other wonderful bath and body products they now have something simple for your sink - organic hand wash that comes in Coconut, Vanilla Chair, Lavender, and Grapefruit scents.

Click to Continue Reading

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Too cold to turn soil? Turn pages

January is a bad month for Jefferson County, Colorado gardeners.  The days are short; the weather is cold.  It's time to dream and read.  Here's a suggested list of some new books you might enjoy.  Try the public library!

Too cold to turn soil? Turn pages - The Denver Post


Cantik kan Amoi ini? She reminds me of the fellow Singaporean's blogger, Xia Xue.

Her name is Xiaoping. What a beautiful name just as gorgeous as the owner. Poor Xiaoping.

I read about her on Utusan Malaysia just now and felt so pity at her. She determines to change her appearance by doing makeover. A facelift more specifically. Kalau setakat hendak mentouch up kan muka I kira OK la tu tapi yang mengerikan she decided to do plastic surgery, operasi plastik kata orang Indo. The reason? To win her boyfriend's heart back and her boyfriend's is obsessed with Jessica Alba. Her beau even asked her to wear a blonde wig so that she might look like Jessica. OMGWTF. What a sick guy.

With her current look, she can actually fish out any guys in this whole wide world whom are much more better than your very own so called bf. Show some girl power lah dik oiii. Apa sudah habis ke stok-stok Ah Beng kat China tu sampai you sanggup nak alter your gorgeous face, it's a gift from God for God's sake.

If comparing Jess' ol appearance, she also had done some face lifting. I believe. So why bothering yourself to get her altered look? Furthermore, Xioping is now pleading for some donations in order to do her facelift.

Well, human beings will never get satisfied with what they possess so readers, be thankful.

With Love,

Do-It-Yourself Solar & Wind Energy Products

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Among these products for purchase are the Whisper Tower Kits (home and business wind energy) and the SunWize OEM 85 Watt Solar Kit - for your do-it-yourself solar installation.

More about EnvirCitizen's alternative energy products can be found at:

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Founded in 2009, is a new, green, online community offering a forum to green lifestyle consumers with a thoroughly comprehensive website combining in-depth information consumers can use, an active and user friendly forum as well as the widest assortment of eco-friendly products and services. The website offers nearly 1,000 custom articles on a wide range of topics that relate to sustainability and our green lifestyles: from Home to Gardening, Personal Care, Alternative Energy, Building and Renovation, Vacations and Travel, Consumer Services and an excellent Education Center. also continues to produce free, original articles about sustainability, conservation, green tips, and consumer advocacy to inform both the website's community and visitors to the site looking for expert information on a specific green topic.

This new, green community website also provides the largest (and constantly growing) online offering of eco-friendly products and services available today.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I miss to Facebook. My blog is rarely updated lately. Sekarang tengah fikir nak buat sempoi-sempoi bahasa saja. Saja-saja jerkkk... Ahaks. Yes, as long as I am updated right? Righhhhttt.....

New Year so far has given me a new boss and a new lifestyle. Talking about new boss, he's very handful. He's totally different from the others that I've handled before. Oh yes, kau pun kenalah menjadi sang labah-labah yang sungguh hebat kuasa multi-taskingnya untuk berjuang di meja L-shape ini setiap hari. Spiderwoman? Malulah pakai title tu, aku kan labah-labah gemok, mana dapat panjat bagai?

Lapar? Haus? This big packet of drinks always saves my day most of the times. This week, I cut down the soy bean drinks intake. Gula tinggi sey! So sekarang makan minum kena jaga, bak kata my Physician, "Diet is not about how much do you eat but what you eat" - sambil mengatur rambutnya yang ala² Posh Spice itu.

Oh, how tired I am. Kan beruang-beruang Koala? Luckily today there's no business on. Hey, gotta leave you guys now. I have to accomplish the minutes of meeting. Actually, there are 2 meetings plus another 10 pages of documents to be retyped. I don't think that I'm losing weight but my fingers are getting stronger day by day dek kerana menaip terlalu banyak.

Lately, I've been thinking to move out from this unit. I've been here for 10 years. Been thinking to move to hospital. The question is, when am I going to take action?

So readers, I'm signing off now. Tata!

With Love,

Herbie the Elm Bites the Dust

Here's the complete story of the elm "Herbie"  who lost its battle with Dutch Elm disease last week.

Herbie The Elm Removal

Monday, January 25, 2010

Can Farming Save Detroit

Detroit the Motor City! However, with the current state of the automobile market, perhaps there is another way.
Farming: One way to try and save Detroit - Dec. 29, 2009


..... From now on, this blog will be conducted (cheyy conducted weeiii) in both English and Bahasa Melayu. Ko jangan sebut 1Malaysia! I sensitif tawww..!

Thanks to Malaysian readers yang semakin ramai singgah di blog ini.

Ai lop yiu olll! ( I love y'all!)

With Love,

Bailey Helps

Iowa was hit with ANOTHER blizzard today. It was a surprise to us. Weather people had predicted just a little snow. We ended up getting several inches and then winds picked up to 45 mph and greater.

Bailey came outside and helped me. It was in the middle of the afternoon but you could barely see.

The wind was blowing hard from the north. It was pretty bad. There was not much time to wait.

We had to get the big truck to the end of the driveway. Tomorrow morning the drifts will be so big the truck needs to be close to the road. But first we had to clean out the drifts that had built up during the day.

I got the tractor going.

Bailey seemed to be supervising the job.

He seemed to know it was important for us to get the truck moved to the end of the driveway. Otherwise, we might be stuck in the morning.

First we had to move a big drift so we could get the truck through.

Finally we had moved enough snow to get the truck down the driveway. Bailey checked to make sure it would be okay.

I backed the truck down the driveway. It is important to keep the front end out of the wind so the radiator and engine does not get filled with snow. The wind is so strong in this kind of weather.

By the time we got the truck moved, the snow was already starting to fill in again. But at least now the truck would be on the other side of the large drift and we could use it in the morning if we could not move the snow.

The wind was blowing so hard we could see the barn but not much past it.

We could just make out this little tree in the back yard as we headed back in.

It was time to go in for the night. Tomorrow could be a long day.

Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Where Have I Been?

Often at night I listen to talk radio. Usually I listen to sports talk. "If the Jets can ..." and "If the Cavaliers can..." and "If the Cubs can ...."

But sometimes I listen to a show called Coast to Coast AM. This show is about the paranormal and I am always fascinated to hear people calling in with these incredible stories.

Many people claim they have been abducted by aliens.

Of course the aliens have probed and prodded and done all sorts of tests -- but they never talk.

And the person has been allowed to return to his farm house in No Place, Ohio, so that he can warn the world of an upcoming alien invasion!

Often a special guest on the show will discuss ghosts. Such a person claims to have an advanced degree in physics or rocket science or some other incredible hard science. Yet he has stumbled across evidence that proves ghosts roam the earth.

These guests always have books you can buy (interesting coincidence) that show pictures of real live (huh? oh well...) spirits!

I am always fascinated by the people who spend their evenings walking around cemeteries with tape recorders so they can pick up the sounds of moaning ghosts. These people are very serious about what they do and they play back tapes of children or women crying for help.

Lots of people call in and talk about seeing shadow people in their houses at night.

I live alone with my dog, Bailey. I live in the country far from neighbors and surrounded by open land. Yet I have never seen a Big Foot, seen a flying saucer, heard the moans of spirits or even seen shadow people in my house. Where have I been?!?

That's fine with me. I will just stick with the Jetsons. They are my kind of people and I love their car!

Thanks for stopping by.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


He's known as Elrey. One of the Elvis-es in Sarawak, alongside Wilfred Vincent Ragam (Elvince), TS Valentine (Elval), Ges Berundang (Elges) and Albert Blassan (Elbert).

Biologically, he's my late father's first cousin. Their mothers are siblings. One of daddy's closest cousins, they were about the same age. Last night, during a performance at Pullman Hotel, Kuching, he collapsed and was rushed to Sarawak General Hospital. Today, he's no longer with us, joining the Almighty Father in heaven and daddy too.

This happened after my dad left us 100 days ago. My dad also left us after my uncle Henry Jidin left us 100 days earlier. A coincidence or should we call it a 100 days curse? Only God knows His plans.

Uncle Rey, you'll be missed by everyone who knows you. It's so sad that you don't have chance to see me shed away 3kgs. Still remember our bets months ago? I will do it for you uncle. This Monday I'm going for my 1st appointment with Dietitian. Oh yes, I've been doing my 'workouts' for 2 weeks now and glad eventhough I haven't seen any improvement at all, so far. I guess.

Uncle, please take care of daddy and tell him we love him so much.

With Love,

Indoor Winter Gardening

Garden Girl shows us how to create an indoor winter garden in a 6X14 foot area!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ice Storm

Today Iowa is dealing with an ice storm. Usually we get these types of storms in March.

The temperature is just warm enough so we get rain. But the moment it hits any surface it instantly turns to ice. It is impossible to appreciate this weather event through pictures.

Stepping out my garage door I see this.

And when I get a little closer I can see this.

Look at the ice accumulation on this little rabbit!

Here's another view of how ice builds up.

This is a little cherry tree.

You can see the branch of the tree encased in ice.

Imagine this ice on power lines or a road.

Bailey and I will be staying inside today.

Thanks for stopping by.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One Year in Ninety Seconds

Here is a cool video of a view from a balcony of one whole year of change in the garden. It has been condensed into ninety seconds!

Winter Wonderland

This morning we woke up in Iowa and saw a winter wonderland.

The trees were covered with a thick layer of ice crystals that were not heavy -- they were like a type of snow.

All the trees looked flocked.

This is what the trees looked like up close.

These little apple trees looked almost magical.

This tall tree behind the barn looked very stately.

Bailey stood looking at something. You can see the tall weeds covered with frost.

Something had his attention.

But, like always, he was always close by when I started to walk back to the house.

The weather man tells us that Iowa will be hit by a severe ice storm tomorrow. But
tonight we will have grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Thanks for stopping by.

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