
Saturday, July 31, 2010



Welcome to August. 2 more weeks? Ramadhan will come. Our Muslim friends will go fasting and the best part is, of course the Ramadhan Bazaar which is mostly reviewed and highlighted annually in this blog, haha.

2 more months, I'll be marking my 10th anniversary working at this place. I might be tormented and torn in pieces every day but at the end of the day, I would pick up the scattered me and put it all back together, ready to be tortured mentally and physically the next day. Damn. I love my job.

Domestic problem. It's a common thing to hear the attention seeker at home screaming and yelling but yesterday, it really challenged our level of patience that I almost took my girl ran away from home when I saw my SIL took her kids rushed away from home. Guess what? That old lady screamed more with like a 3 years old kid with tantrums which was so embarrassing to hear when considering the neigbours that are living nearby.

Stressed out? I learn this from Mom. When you can't do all the chores at one time, go slow. Take your time to do so. One step at a time, eventually the chores will be completed.

Move out? Nope. It's not time yet. We have to really consider other things - financially stable and if we are then some hearts might be broken to see us leaving. We have to do it, since our hearts are tormented day by day, I can't take it anymore. Luckily, I have Twitter to pour all my agony and resentful feelings.

Thus, I hate to be at home. I am lucky to have food business to do at night which can cut down my time being at home. Tired? I can't complain. I chose to do it. Yes, I sleep less than 5 hours every night, almost every night. There will be time when I feel so fresh after shower that I would go to sleep at 2:30 a.m., and then wake up at 6:00 a.m.

Facing demanding boss and work as a P.A., with a crazy witch at home, 2nd job at night, I have to focus on each, every single thing I do. What a Superwoman I am! Phewww!!

I still find my life manageable except I miss my girl and my Mom so much. These two days, we had quality time together, Papa, Gabby and I. We spend my time with Gabby in her room - doing all girl stuff but Gabby loves the laptop more!

Jeez... I hate to share about domestic problems here. Pfftt.... I hate it.

With Love,

U.S. Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds

 As weeds  become more and more "Round-Up" resistant, what's a farmer to do?  Read this article about this growing problem in the farming community.  It will no doubt eventually affect the home gardener as well.

U.S. Farmers Cope With Roundup-Resistant Weeds -

Walsh Bay, Red, Yellow and Blue (Theme Day: Bright Colours)

"Red, Yellow and Blue" is a sculpture by Diego Latella, created in 1985 as part of the Walsh Bay Sculpture Walk. This work is on Pier 8 of the Walsh Bay wharves in the inner city suburb of Millers Point.

Places In Greece and Bulgaria We've Seen

This week, we drove to Thessaloniki where we met some great new friends, Todd and Evi Pekel. We were introduced to them by Pastor Dimitris of Thassos Christian Fellowship, where we've been attending church and sharing in some great fellowship.

Todd and Evi (left) were very gracious and invited us to stay with them in their apartment in the middle of town for a few days while Todd showed us some of the sites in and around Thessaloniki.

They have a language school and Todd works as an ambassador for Christ in Greece along with his partner in ministry, Marvin, another new friend. You can see Todd's website, "Workers Together With Him", here. He and Marvin have a heart for unity in the body of Christ and it just comes oozing out of them. Great guys and Todd and his wife are a great couple. We plan to return to Thessaloniki soon to see more!

Our Map, So Far:

View Greece in a larger map

Monday evening, we will leave for the Island of Chios, where my Grandfather grew up. We hope to find the village he was born in. From there, we plan to travel to Turkey to see Ephassos (Ephesus). We hear it is magnificent. We will also visit the Island of Samos on the way back to Keramoti.

We will be gone for four days, much time spent on the ferries but a lot of biblical sites to see!

BTW, again. We are indeed desperately missing everyone at home. I was reading a blog this morning that describes how we feel pretty well. It's by Kevin DeYoung (we have some of his books in the WBF Bookstore) and you can read it here.

Peace or Piece? by Kelly Kuvakas

It was another Saturday morning here in Keramoti...we were headed to the little pastry shop to have tyropita (tea-ROW-peet-ah) and cappucino. The walk takes all of 10 minutes at a very leisurely pace, which seems to be our new speed.

Along the way we saw the fruit truck that makes its usual rounds through the neighborhood.

It had already made its first pass much earlier, interrupting our slumber with its speakers blaring the driver's declarations of fruits available...all of it in Greek, with a very monotone delivery, aiding the ability to fall back into dreamland.

We arrived at our cafe, eager to try something different than the cream filled pastry we had the first week and the egg/bacon filled one we had last week, but neither of us wanted spinach (bleh!). Feta filled, it was! (Although in a moment of weakness, I ordered a small portion of cream filled, sprinkled with powdered sugar and cinnamon.)

Awaiting our cappucinos, we had the usual Saturday morning argument...or was it a spirited Greek conversation?

You see, John and I hear sounds in the Greek language differently. When speaking it back to each other, John likes to correct me. (I'm sure I correct him too, but that's not where I'm going at the moment.) Now, even in REAL life, I do not like being corrected...can you spell p-r-i-d-e? Last week I had burst out in frustration some lovely, godly comment similar to "Why do you always have to correct me?".

Communication is important; good communication with love is critically important.

We're learning to speak the truth in love to each other... Come on now - or "ela!", as the Greeks would say - who else do we have to talk to?

This week the wisdom of God prevailed as the correction flowed. Instead of walking in offense at John's correction, I walked inside to the cafe owner and asked whether the word for the pastry started with an "E", like John heard it or a "D", like I heard it.

What a hoot! We both were wrong! It begins with a "T"!

Praise God for the opportunity for humility and humor!

Colossians 3:12, 13 says:

So, as those who have been chosen of God, holy and beloved, put on a heart of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience; bearing with one another, and forgiving each other, whoever has a complaint against anyone; just as the Lord forgave you, so also should you.

Our God is very, very gracious to us. What patient love He has for us. These are not new verses to learn, just new circumstances to practice them in.

So, both of us corrected, we laughed together, sipped together, supped together, down to the last bites of our "T"yropita.

We've learned that the last piece on a plate is called "the piece of shame".

Have you noticed how we all defer to one another in taking the last piece of anything on a plate? It usually sits, alone and in shame, seemingly unwanted...

Each person, in a great act of kindness, prompts the other, saying "Eat, Eat!", all while our eyes betray our lust for the last morsel.

I took the last piece of cream filled. The feta cheese filled one remained, shamefully alone.

(*I neglected to say that the same week I had my outburst, Yes, the very same week, God in His grace, opened my eyes to see the cafe owner taking a phone call that seemed to upset her. When John made a trip for the bathroom, I went into the shop and asked, in English mixed with pantomime, if I could pray for her. She pointed to her Christian wall hanging, indicating her questioning who my faith was in and with a smile and a nod, I was cleared to pray - I prayed that the God of all comfort would comfort her. This began a relationship of grunts and smiles and attempts to communicate. But I had a plan...)

This week, before we strolled home, John and I went inside together, to wish a Greek blessing on the dear ladies who had served us each week. (I had looked it up on the internet and John and I had practiced saying it the night before!)

On our happy way home, we passed the countless people headed for the ferry to Thassos and its crowded beaches.

We too, are headed for the beach...on beautiful, quiet - except for the fruit man - Keramoti. We should arrive there in ten minutes or so.

Best blessings to you, on your Saturday with the ones you love and the One who loved us first.

*Eph 2:10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them.

Author's note: quick revision made 8/1/10

Friday, July 30, 2010

Create Time Capsules with Wine Bottles

Do you have some beautiful empty wine bottles lying around, perhaps as a memento from a special occasion, that you don’t really want to alter but are just taking up space?

I have a solution for you- make a wine bottle time capsule.

It’s easy to do- you just need a clean, dry wine bottle, a cork or something else to seal the top and some small items to place inside the bottle such as photos, a piece of paper with something memorable written on it, ticket stubs, a napkin, a small piece of jewelry, a pebble, some sand, anything that reminds you of a certain special day or a time in your life.

If the bottle was from your wedding day consider adding some ribbon from a gift, a scrap of wrapping paper, one of your invitations, a photo from the wedding, a copy of your vows, other decor or mementos from the big day (like a small favor, a personalized napkin, the penny or sixpence worn in the bride’s shoe, a piece of the aisle runner, anything that will fit in the bottle, except anything perishable).

Keep reading here

Thursday, July 29, 2010

International Sports Movie Festival Begins in Moscow

The Second International Sports Movie Festival started on Thursday in the Russian capital.

The festival is being held as part of the international sports forum, Russia is a Sports Power, and aims to endorse sports and healthy living and encourage the production of sports feature and documentary movies.

Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko, President of Russian Tennis Federation Shamil Tarpischev, Moscow assistant mayor Sergei Baidakov and Russian tennis celebrity Marat Safin attended the official opening ceremony.

“The festival…promotes the principles of sport and shows the efforts sportsmen make to reach success,” Mutko said.

“This work should not stop, even for a day, until we have completely promoted healthy living,” said Tarpischev, who is president of the festival.

Over 100 works of different genres from 22 countries in Europe, the United States and Africa, and 52 Russian regions have been submitted for the festival.
Franco Ascani, the president of the International Federation of Sports Movies and Television, will be present at the festival.

Check Your Tomatoes! Psyllids Have Arrived by Mary Small

Better check your tomatoes!  Tomato/potato psyllids have arrived from the south and are wreaking havoc in area gardens. 

Psyllids are small sap-sucking insects. Their saliva is toxic to tomatoes and potatoes and can cause them serious damage.  Unless you know what you’re looking for and are checking regularly, the insects can go undetected until it’s too late. Here are some psyllid-detecting tips.

Examine the undersides of tomato and potato leaves; that’s where the bulk of psyllids hang out.  Eggs are small, orange-yellow and “ stalked” (held upright by a little pedestal).  See if you can find the yellowish nymphs (young). They look like tiny, plastic flying saucers. Following egg hatch, nymphs crawl around the leaf, looking for a place to settle.  When satisfied with their choice, they hunker down, feed and remain stationary. So they’re not going to jump or fly away while you’re looking for them.

Unfortunately as nymphs mature, they turn pale green, making them harder to detect. Fortunately, psyllids produce easily-seen “psyllid sugar” (a polite euphemism for their  poop).  So if you don’t see the beasts but find sugar on plant leaves, you know they’re around…and feeding!

Unchecked, these insects cause plant symptoms known as  “psyllid yellows”.   Upper leaves turn yellow with a purple tinge to veins and margins.  Leaves become stiff and leathery.  Tomato plants either produce an abundance of tasteless fruit or produce no fruit at all.  Potato plants develop lots of small, weirdly-shaped tubers that may actually sprout underground. Needless to say, the crop is ruined.

So what’s a gardener to do?  Check tomato and potato plants regularly.  Inspect eggplants and peppers, too.  Psyllids can feed on these plants, yet not cause significant damage. Apply insecticidal soaps, sulfur dust (if you can get it coated on the leaf undersides) or insecticides containing permethrin or esfenvalerate.  Always follow label directions when using any of these products.
See this Colorado State University extension fact sheet for more details:

Here's an article from the Boulder Daily Camera also.

Ngoc Diem is the queen of France

Symbol of beauty and intelligence City Foreign Trade University, together with a model appearing in the picture Cam Lai Hizashi new stylist named | "La Rose de Versailles".

Inspired by the famous work of painter Oscar Lady Riyoko Ikeda, images to represent any part of a story is built on the historical context of eighteenth century France. Images going into operation not heal the soul of man is the fate arranged to meet at the Palace of Versailles - intelligence center of the continent at that time.


Nice cards aren't they? I bumped into this blog after the owner, the talented greeeting designer, Miss Noor Azlina A. Samad left her comments in my chatbox. So sweet of you Lin!

Her meticulous works of crafts had also appeared in Berita Harian, In Trend, Utusan Malaysia. So if you're looking for something different with fresh ideas, why not visit Lin's blog and she can cater all your needs.

Have fun!

With Love,

GLOB it on with These Eco-Friendly Botanical Paints

GLOB paints are one of the newest eco-friendly craft products to hit the market.

Created by cultural anthropologist and artist Ashley Phelps, GLOB paints are currently available in six colors made from plant based ingredients. They are made with fruits, vegetables, flowers and spices that have strong natural pigments that have been used as paints, dyes and natural colorings for centuries.

GLOB’ new products are made in the U.S. in a FDA and EPA registered facility. The paints are eco-friendly and health friendly. They are completely non-toxic, and are free of chemicals, parabens, petroleum, synthetic preservatives, and they are gluten and soy free.

The water based paints and pigments are also biodegradable.

GLOB paints come in two formulas, ready mixed and dry powders. To mix the powders into paint all you need is to add water and mix then you’ll be ready to paint. They can be used like tempura or watercolor paints on paper.

Savers Thrift Stores Offer Step by Step Instructions for DIY Wedding Decor

Savers Thrift Stores have put thrifty shopping in a whole new light with their ideas for fun DIY wedding and entertaining projects that can be adjusted for any theme and color scheme.

What a great way to show people that they can take used items and create beautiful and fun decor for weddings and other events.

Savers thrift stores and crafting expert Blair Stoker, from the crafting blog Wisecraft, joined together to create weddings tips and project guides for DIY minded brides to be:

“From boutonnieres to ‘thank you’ gifts, anyone can create the perfect look for the perfect day with these projects found on”

Keep reading here

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

UNESCO Removes Galapagos Islands From Endangered List

A UN panel has selected to withdraw the Galapagos Islands from the World Heritage in Danger list, authorities said on Wednesday.

The World Heritage Committee of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) took the verdict at a meeting in Brazil's capital Brasilia.

The archipelago of volcanic islands off the Pacific coast of Ecuador had been on the catalog of endangered world heritage sites since 2007. A growing local population, fishing, and tourism had put demands on natural resources there.

But the committee voted 15 to 4 in favour of Brazil's recommendation to withdraw the islands from the list, saying Ecuador had made development in recent years.
"It's important to recognize the effort made by the Ecuadorean government to conserve this heritage," said Luiz Fernando de Almeida, head of the Brazilian delegation.

Charles Darwin considered species on the islands during the voyage of the Beagle in the 1830s. That work contributed to Darwin's theory of evolution by usual selection.
The committee also determined to add the Tombs of Buganda Kings at Kasubi in Uganda to the List of World Heritage in Danger.
A fire deficiently damaged the main structure of the site in March, UNESCO said in a statement.

"The property, an outstanding example of an architectural style urbanized by the Buganda Kingdom since the 13th century, will be reconstructed," the statement said.
The whole and amended list of World Heritage Sites is expected to be published on Thursday.

A Real Treasure

Today I was driving through a small town in Iowa and came across something that was astounding. There, sitting side by side on a quiet little street were two beautifully preserved Frank Lloyd Wright houses. I was astounded beyond belief.

You can see the local grain elevator is in the background. (You may wish to click on these images to see them larger.)

The house on the corner was incredible. Notice the beautiful roof lines.

The first house even has a three car garage.

The ivy growing up the side of this first house accentuates it character. Notice how immaculate everything is. It is like looking in a magazine.

Though the first house grabs your attention, it is the second house that has even more appeal in its subtle ways.

For example, look at the brick window box with the purple and white petunias on the second level. This did not happen by accident. This was carefully planned.

And in classic Frank Lloyd Wright tradition, the windows are multi paned and identical throughout the entire level of the house.

The windows of the first house were similar but just a bit more intricate.

My guess is that Frank Lloyd Wright probably did not actually design these two houses. However, the archetict who did was definitely a strong believer in the Praire School of design.

These two houses, side by side, are as much Frank Lloyd Wright's design as anything you would see in Oak Park - the famous suburb of Chicago where several of his houses are located.

In all probability, people most likely drive by these two houses every day and not even notice them. But when I saw these I nearly wrecked my car! They are beyond incredible.

Thanks for stopping by.

Add a Little Aromatherapy to Your Life with Green Tea Goods Pulse Point Elixirs

I am a sucker for scent. I love scented products, especially those that are all natural aromatherapy products like these wonderful roll on pulse point elixirs from Green Tea Goods.

The Pulse Point Elixirs come in two formulas- Calm & Relax and Energy & Focus.

The Calm & Relax Pulse Point Elixir is scented with lavender oil and natural tangerine extract. The resulting scent is a wonderful blend that instantly calms. I use it when I need to relax, when I need to slow down my brain and I often roll it on at bedtime. I find the scent of lavender helps me sleep.

The Energy & Focus elixir is scented with Jasmine, Eucalyptus and Peppermint oils. An uplifting scent combination this one will rev up your energy levels and help you get going. It's perfect for a first thing in the morning scent to help you wake up. Or use it as a reviving scent in mid afternoon when your energy levels start to lag.

In addition to the aromatherapy oils the elixirs are made with Green tea extract, Jin Yin Hau extract (gold silver flower Honeysuckle), Tea Tree oil, aloe extract, licorice root, organic Rosemary extract and sweet almond oil (used as a lightweight emollient base for the roll on).

Keep reading here


Cholesterol and big size blogger. Sounds like best friend. Well buddies, I received this from my friend, via Yahoo mail and I find it is interesting. OK, now let me reveal the secret recipe for reducing cholesterol level.

It is believed that this soup actually had helped one man to avoid a bypass surgery after he drank this soup every morning for 25 days! For the normal person, just drink it once in a while.


1) black fungus (80g)
2) old ginger (80g)
3) red dates (10)


1) Soak the black fungus in water until it is soft and then wash it clean.
2) Cut the ginger (without removing the skin) into roughly 8 slices.
3) Remove the seeds from the red dates.
4) Put all the ingredients into a slow cooker.
5) Add in 8 cups of water into the cooker.
6) Cook the mixture for 6 hours using low heat.

Note: If you start cooking at say 9 pm, the soup should be ready for drinking by 6 am.

With Love,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Google Introducing Google Apps for Government

Google has announced a new edition of Google Apps. Designed with guidance from customers like the federal government, the City of Los Angeles and the City of Orlando, Google Apps for Government includes the same great Google applications that people know and love, with specific measures to address the policy and security needs of the public sector.

Google has also announced that Google Apps is the first suite of cloud computing messaging and collaboration applications to receive Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) certification and accreditation from the U.S. General Services Administration. The FISMA law applies to all information systems in use by U.S. federal government agencies to help make sure they’re secure. The federal government’s General Services Administration has reviewed the documentation of the security controls and issued an authorization to work, the official confirmation of our FISMA certification and accreditation. This review makes it easier for federal agencies to evaluate the security features to those of their existing systems; most agencies we have worked with have found that Google Apps provides at least equivalent, if not better, security than they have today. This means government customers can move to the cloud with confidence.

Take Berkeley Lab, a member of the national laboratory system supported by the U.S. Department of Energy. It’s managed by the University of California and conducts unclassified research across a wide range of scientific disciplines. Berkeley researchers collaborate with scientists around the world, so emailing version upon version of documents among collaborators and trying to juggle disparate files is difficult. Berkeley Lab researchers have been using Google Apps to share documents that live in the cloud, and can view and edit documents and spreadsheets simultaneously knowing they are always working from the latest information. (Read more from Berkeley Lab’s Chief Information Officer on the Enterprise blog.)

And Google is not stopping with FISMA certification. Google Apps for Government will continue to evolve to meet unique government requirements. Google Apps for Government stores Gmail and Calendar data in a segregated system located in the continental United States, exclusively for our government customers. Other applications will follow in the near future. The suite is a “community cloud”—as defined by the National Institute for Science and Technology—to support the needs of our government customers. Google Apps for Government is available now to any federal, state or local government in the United States.

With reviews of our security controls in place, government agencies can more easily take advantage of all the benefits of one of the world’s best cloud computing systems. Google’s cloud offers higher reliability, best-in-class disaster recovery and access to a steady stream of innovation—all of which can provide considerable improvements over existing systems in addition to significant cost savings. And with no hardware or software to install and maintain, Google Apps for Government allows agencies to redeploy resources to technology projects core to their mission of serving the public. This new edition should give governments an even stronger case for making the move to the cloud.

Home Invasion! False Chinch Bugs by Mary Small

Hot dry weather can be a problem for our garden plants, trees and lawns.  But it can also create problems with insects known as false chinch bugs.  And in turn, they cause problems for humans!

False chinch bugs are small, grayish insects that feed on a variety of plants in Colorado including weeds and mustard family crops such as canola and radishes.  They suck sap from plants but are rarely destructive.  Most of the time, we don’t even know they’re around.

But when the weather is hot and dry, the insects move to cooler, moister locations.  They seek shelter in our homes and irrigated landscapes…sometimes thousands at a time!
 In the landscape, they seem to prefer plants that are flowering or going to seed.  Healthy plants can withstand a lot of feeding pressure.  Chemical controls are not recommended during an “invasion” sparked by hot dry weather.  Generally the insects disperse elsewhere in a short time.

Home invasions of false chinch bugs can be disconcerting, but they won’t be there for longer than a week.  Fortunately, they don’t bite or feed on anything indoors.  Suck them up with a vacuum cleaner, disposing of the bag immediately after vacuuming.

For more information on false chinch bugs, see this Colorado State University Extension fact sheet:

Game Night @ the Library!

Game Night @ the Library!

Starting August 5th the Meyersdale Public Library will be hosting Teen Game Night @ the Library! We invite young people ages 12 to 18 to visit the library and participate in a night of fun, competition, and eating! Teen Game night is an opportunity to challenge your friends, show off your gaming skills, and just hang out. We will have snacks, Wii video games, board games, and computer games. You are welcome to bring your own games too! Games brought from home will be voted on by the group to see if they work for group play. Once checked into the library, youth under the age of 16 may not leave the building until an adult picks them up. All participants must be picked up no later than 8:30 pm. For any questions, please call the library at 634-0512.

  • Play video games on the big screen...
  • Challenge your friends to a game of checkers...
  • Bring your favorite games from home!

This trial program will run the entire month of August on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. If there proves to be an interest we hope to establish Teen Game Night @ the Library as a permanent part of the library schedule. Hope to see you there!

I would also like to thank all those who have sent donations towards our annual fund drive. As you may have heard, the 2010 state budget once again decreased funding for public libraries. We understand that everyone is making sacrifices during this difficult economic time but we are saddened that the awareness of the positive impact libraries have on a community is not fully understood by political decision makers. That is why every penny donated from our community is a valued vote of confidence in the work we do at the Meyersdale Public Library. Please let us know how we can be of service to you and your family.

Some days it hits you out of nowhere

I really should be working but I just can't seem to get my mind off the appointment I will have later today with my mom. We have decided to call in Hospice, I need the help and sadly the end is getting closer and closer. I am not equipped to handle what is about to come so I have been told Hospice is the best answer.

I have mixed feeling about all of this. My Mom is my mom, however we have had our fair share of arguments, disagreements and fallouts throughout my entire life. Some of the things I had issue with I have long since let go, others seem to pop up every now and then, even now as we go to this final stage. It is extremely hard to care for someone when they are bitter and mean to you, yet I march on knowing this is my duty and what I assume any good daughter would do.

My father passed away when I was 12 and before that I really didn't know him since my parents bitterly divorced when I was 5. My mom is my only family with the exception of the family I have created with my husband. She had no siblings and her parents passed by the time she was 11, the cousins I do have all either passed on or are significantly older than I ,and really have no deep history or relationship with my mother. So to see her pass will mean a part of my history good bad or indifferent will be taken with her. The good times that we did share will only be my memories, which will become stories I will share with my children but sadly will not be able to share time and again with my mom or have my mom tell them in her own way to my children.

Yesterday while in the office a coworker of mine asked me “How do you do it all”, she was not aware of the current situation, I asked what she meant by “all” and she went on to say "Well you work full time in a stressful job, you have a husband and 3 kids, you are a volunteer, you take educational classes at work, you run 1/2 marathons, and who knows what else" I stopped for a minute and thought about what she said, I never really thought of it as a lot of stuff, it was just the stuff I had to do, then it hit me......My mother taught me that, she instilled that work effort, and drive to perform in me. Which then brought me to tears...... Saying goodbye is so very hard

ECOBAGS: The Original Reusable Bag Company

It is estimated by the US Environmental protection Agency that over 380 billion plastic bags, sacks and wraps are used in the US each year and only about 23 billion of those are recycled.

Environmental activist and eco-entrepreneur Sharon Rowe decided early on that she wanted to do something about this problem. In 1989 she founded ECOBAGS as a way to combat the waste of single use bags and created bags made from recycled, organic, and natural materials that can be reused over and over. ECOBAGS was formed as a fair wage, fair labor company with the inspirational tagline "Clean Up the Planet One Bag at a Time".

Now over 20 years later ECOBAGS is going strong with yearly sales upwards of three million dollars annually.

They started out with the classic string bag and have now moved on to totes, travel bags, spa bags, reusable produce bags, GREENBAGS, ECOWEAVE home goods, and have partnered with other companies like Frito Lay and Kashi to bring their green initiatives to light.

ECOBAGS is a proud member of the Organic Trade Association, Green America, and is a certified Women-Owned Business.

Keep reading here.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Mumbai Airport Fourth In World

Chatrapati Shivaji International airport has been ranked fourth among airports in the world that handle more than 15 million passengers per annum. Overall, it was ranked 23rd among 146 airports.

The quarterly Airports Quality Survey survey was conducted by the Airports Council International, an independent body, to measure passengers' perception and rejoinder to quality of facilities at airports, connectivity within airports, service delivery standards and airport service competence.

Mumbai scored above Delhi's Indira Gandhi International airport to be the top in the country. Globally, it was ranked below Gimpo Airport (Seoul) and the airports at Vancouver and Taipei. It ranked healthier than Shenzhen (China) and San Francisco and Zurich. About 1,500 passengers from Mumbai airport participated in the study.

Family Vacation

We left on Wednesday to drive down to St. George, and then continue on on Thursday to California (since our flight plans didn't work out for us). We got to California and went out to dinner on Thursday at Bubba Gumps Shrimp Co. It was SO yummy!!! Wish that they had one closer to us, because it was the best shrimp I'd ever had. On Friday, we went to Disneyland ALL DAY!!! Here's my mamma and me, waiting for the shuttle to the Magic Kingdom.

Here's the whole gang together at Disneyland. Dad, Mom, Chantel, Phil, Brant, Shelene, Me, Adam, Cristl, Steve, McKayla, Parker, Brynlee and Sam (plus Wyatt!). Anticipation for the day was high, and we still had all of our energy :)

We went on lots of rides, of course, but since I had a "condition", I stayed with the little ones on a lot of the more thrilling rides. Here's Adam waiting for the Star Tours ride. So handsome.

Taking a break to sit down before the parade starts. McKayla got the "royal treatment" at the Princess Boutique, thanks to Brant. She was giddy for the rest of the day as everyone called her Princess and said how pretty she looked. A couple of Asian ladies even asked to get their picture taken with her :)

Riding the horses on the carousel. One of my favorite rides, always to calm and relaxing.

Here's half of the group on Splash Mountain. This is one of the rides I couldn't go on, so I got to take pictures instead :)

We stayed late at the park and even had a late dinner at the Blue Bayou, the resturant in the middle of the Pirates of the Caribbean ride.

On Saturday, we went to Santa Monica beach to take in some sun.
Here's my view of the ocean :) Blocked just a little by my little guy!
Here we are at the beach, with Adam wearing his silly hat (his dad got it on the day Adam was born, so it's sentimental...can't do much about it). Nicely pale with fresh tan lines :)
Sam was so cute in his floaties :) He loved the beach, until he put it in his mouth!
We had so much fun in California, just spending time with our family and lots of laughs!


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