
Friday, October 31, 2008

NO al halloween, SI al Dia De Muertos

Desde hace ya bastante tiempo veo con tisteza q los mexicanos nos vamos olvidando de esta increíble tradición q es: El Día De Muertos.

Cada año vamos perdiendo mas nuestra identidad nacional al querer imitar el halloween gringo; ahora los niños esperan el 31 de octubre para salir a pedir halloween (q estupidez), ya casi nadie hace su altar para sus muertitos y es mas nadie realmente espera el 1 y 2 de noviembre con ansias mas q para (y eso solo en caso de) no ir al trabajo o la escuela ya q son días feriados (ja este año no fue así).

Es mas común ahora ver en todos lados adornos q dicen: "Happy Halloween" en vez de "Feliz Día De Muertos", (aunq no entiendo porq feliz, pero bueno).

En vez de seguir con esta tradición increíble, q hasta a los extranjeros impresiona. A ellos les fascina ver como en nuestra cultura el mexicano se burla de la muerte (calaveritas literarias) o convive con ella en vez de ser un objeto de temor o miedo.

Tratemos de rescatar nuestras tradiciones, hagamos lo q nuestros abuelos hacían: poner un altar para los muertos, salgamos con nuestros niño a pedir calaverita, visitemos a uestros muertitos en el panteon seamo parte de esta celebracion y celebremos como se debe el Día de Muertos en vez de estar buscando sustituir una hermosa tradición de años por una tontería y algo q no es nuestro como lo es el halloween.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


This week has been quite challenging for me. As everyone knows the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly (DUN) will be commencing soon and we have to work hard, getting information and having meeting to discuss the issues being questioned. I hope I can complete everything by tomorrow, to see how the time flies?

Breaking news, this Saturday we'll be celebrating Gabby's 8th Birthday. Phewww! There will be no grand celebration, as usual a small family gathering would do. I'm glad that my SIL is coming to offer some help so I'll be rocking the kitchen again. A snippet, a special pose from the coming soon birthday girl...

With her big eyes, she looks like 18!!

We move on my MissBimbo's progress.  I made these 'look alike' Bimbos during lunch hour.  Some of my favourite icons are like Marilyn Monroe, Meryl Streep and Avril Lavigne etc.  Let us take a look, I hope you love them!!

People, don't laugh at my so-called bimbo who has tatoos all over her body.  It's cool you know. Hahahah!!

Green Halloween

It's not too late to have a Green Halloween. Drop by to check out all the amazing information they have on helping you go green for Halloween, plus they have several contests to enter including costume contests, pumpkin carving contests, and green Halloween craft contests.

If you would like to get some how-to information on a couple of my green Halloween crafts drop by to get directions to make my batty yogurt cup creation or Green Halloween to get the directions on my bejeweled black cat.

Send Last Minute Halloween Greetings Launches the First Totally Personalized e-Cards

…Senders can stamp their own personalities on free, high-quality cards at an ad-free site, a young e-card Web site, announced today it is launching the first e-cards that senders can completely personalize as their own rather than using an e-card company’s name. This new service offers several important innovations and features that other e-card companies do not:

  • Cards can be easily personalized with the sender’s own name or brand instead of the commercial logo of the e-card company. All of the company’s Halloween cards now have this feature, which will be rolled out to include all of’s cards in the coming weeks.

  • The site has no advertising of any kind. is convinced that many people stopped sending e-cards because they either had to pay for them or put up with annoying, intrusive advertising, on both the sender and the recipient ends.

  • The cards themselves bear no company or site logo to commercialize them. Senders can feel proud to stamp their own personalities and sign their own names on these cards.

  • Senders can choose which cards they want to personalize from a wide variety of cards. They can even change the card sentiment from “Merry Christmas” to “Happy Holidays” or “You Are Invited” to suit their needs.

  • All of the cards on the site are free, not just a limited group, and there is no registration required or personal information gathered for later use.

“We have focused all of our efforts to make sure that both senders and recipients of the card have the best possible experience,” explained CEO John Aslanian. “This includes everything from the size of the cards (ours are larger and fill more of the screen), to the design, to the Web site itself. We want to greet our site visitors with top-notch cards in one of the last few commercial spaces on the web free of annoying, intrusive advertising, which we feel takes away from the meaning and warmth of the card.”

Aslanian said he created the Web site because he was appalled at the poor quality and unimaginative products he saw at other card sites, both paid and free, and thought there was a great need in the market for top-quality free cards. “One of my biggest pet peeves is being shown irrelevant ads while looking for cards, only to find they aren’t worth the wait, or the best ones aren’t free. Even if you pay, the quality is not great.”

On any given weekday, animators manipulate images of haunted hayrides, garden scenes, or dancing cowboys in the sunny loft studio of the company’s headquarters in quiet Port Chester , N.Y. Producing the cards can be laborious; each card can take up to six weeks to make, as opposed to just a few days at larger companies. And the rewards of taking such pains to create just one card are obvious: in an independently-conducted market research survey, 90% of users surveyed said the cards were better than well-known, paid, big-brand card sites.

The cards are all made in-house and never outsourced to freelancers. “This is an extremely rare practice that speaks to our conviction that the assembly line e-cards put out by large corporations have lost their spark,” Aslanian said. “Our new site reflects our commitment to providing users with a better way to say ‘Boo!,’ ‘I love you,’ or ‘Happy Holidays’ on the Web. We want users to see our cards as good enough to deserve their own names.”

To use the company’s free e-cards, visit .


First, I am fully packed with daily office duties.  Then, I went crazy and what I did was exporting and importing my old blog to the new one.  So crazy... that it gave me headache.  I'm drained out.

But, as what the line goes; beauty is pain.. I think my tortures are all paid!


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Viernes Automotor (aunque no sea viernes):Ford Mustang (Shelby Cobra GT500)

Como dije en mi primera entrada (o mas bien escribi) publicaria algunos de los automoviles que las me gustan y q mejor empezar con este gran auto disfruten.

El Ford Mustang es un automóvil deportivo de tipo muscle/pony producido por el fabricante estadounidense Ford desde 1964. El Mustang es el símbolo de los "pony cars", las versiones deportivas de los compactos norteamericanos de antes de la crisis del petróleo de 1973.

Quinta generación (2005 - Presente)

La quinta generación es nuevamente un cambio drástico en el Mustang. A diferencia de las demás generaciones, Ford utiliza las fortalezas de la primera generación en su diseño y crea un auto auténticamente retro. No es el primer retro que Ford saca a producción, ya que el Thunderbird y el Ford GT también estuvieron como modelos de producción y basados en modelos de los años 50 y 60.

Mecánicamente el Mustang se ofrece con un motor V6 de 4 litros de capacidad y 202 caballos de potencia para la versión básica y la versión V8 de 4.6 litros de capacidad con 300 caballos de potencia; con este motor el Mustang es capaz de acelerar de 0 100 km/h en alrededor de 5,2 segundos con transmisión manual. A mediados de 2006 apareció la versión Shelby Cobra/SVT con un motor V8 supercompresor y con 5,4 litros, 32 válvulas y una potencia de 500 CV acoplado a una transmisión manual de 6 velocidades. Con este motor el Shelby GT500 es ahora capaz de acelerar de 0 a 100 km/h en 4,5 segundos y alcanzar una velocidad máxima limitada de 250 km/h (155 mph).

La producción del Shelby GT500 será muy limitada, en Estados Unidos se producirán 10.000 ejemplares al año. En México, el GT500 salió a la venta a principios de 2008 con una cantidad limitada de 100.

En la actualidad el Ford Mustang tiene una gran aceptación, con muchos admiradores en el mundo, gracias a su imagen fresca y deportiva, y también a su diseño retro y a su potencia.

Nota: Las imagenes corresponden al nuevo modelo 2008 y todo el texto es de wikipedia, todos los derechos reservados. Si les interesa la historia (completa) del Ford Mustang aqui esta la pagina y aca la pagina en ingles, mas enfocada a los SHELBY MUSTANG.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Cuando tenia como 12 años se me ocurrio pedirle a mi mamá q me comprara un libro, para ser mas especificos La Odisea de Homero, quizas fue porque el nombre del autor era igual al de ese personaje gordo, calvo y amarillo o quizas porque en esa epoca de mi vida comence a sentir curiosidad hacia la mitologia griega. Fuera como fuera en ese momento inicio en mi una adiccion por los libros.

A lo largo de mi corta vida como lector (7 años) apenas he leido casi 60 libros y mi meta es igualar a mi abuelo (leer mas de doscientos). Con tristeza veo q en México no tenemos la cultura para leer libros, las señoras prefieren leer su "TVyNovelas" o puras pendejadas de la vida de alguien mas, los señores prefieren leer en cambio periodicos amarillistas (como el: Alarma) o de plano leer el "libro vaquero" y los jovenes prefieren escuchar musica; de estos tres los jovenes no estan tan mal (la musica es buena) pero no lo se, se me hace (en lo personal) mas divertido leer un libro q estar todo el dia escuchando las mismas canciones.

Me entere q en México el promedio de libros leidos (por persona) en un año es de 1.33, ni siquiera libro y medio. Un dia platicando con un amigo salio la conversacion de los libros y me pregunto cauntos libros habia leido en mi vida, yo conteste q 48; quedo sorprendido y luego me pregunto q cuantos libros llevaba en el año, y yo respondi q 12.

Asi es en los ultimos tres años he leido en promedio un libro por mes, es decir, q si en México una persona en promedio lee 1.33 libros y yo 12, quiere decir (q aprox.) yo leo por mi y por otros once cabrones.

Lo q mas me gusta de leer un libro es q me relajo, ejercito mi imaginacion y aprendo ortografia, es por eso q de aki en adelante tratare de publicar los libros q he leido y pondre una pequeña sinopsis para ver si de alguna manera los engancho y aumentamos ese 1.33 libros por mexicano a un solido 2 o incluso mas ¿por que no?

X-Men House Of M Part 3

Tercera parte de House Of M:


X-Force #1

"Angels And Demons" Parte 1 (de 6)
Hay líneas que los X-Men han jurado nunca cruzar. Pero después de los acontecimientos espantosos de "Messiah CompleX", Cyclops se da cuenta de que algunos enemigos deben ser tratados permanentemente ... y los X-Men nunca deben saber de esto. Introduciendo a WOLVERINE, WARPATH, X-23 y WOLFSBANE ... X-FORCE.

Gran serie q ademas de todo es continuacion directa de Messiah CompleX


Este link los llevara a la pagina novenadimension para q puedan descargar est increible, violenta y prometedora serie:

Friday, October 24, 2008


Remember my entry about makeup and I was telling you guys that I was waiting for my Everyday Minerals eyeshadow samples to come?  Well, guess what?  After waiting or 13 days, my orders finally arrived.  They came in a medium size envelope that resembles an envelope for cards.  Lovely.

Here they are.  I mean, the items.  Eyeshadows:  'Comfy' (shimmery brown) & 'Thank You' (subtle pink).  Blusher:  'Email Me' (beige).  I'm running out of brown and I need another tone of pink so that's the reason why I picked these two colours.  As for the beige blusher, I'd like to try it.  I have 3 blushers so far - pinks and a peach.  This beige perhaps, can be my bronzer. 

I wonder how to wear beige colour blusher so I converted it to highlighter!  First, I applied my Maybelline 3 in1 Express Makeup as my base/concealer on my lid and under eye.  By using a flat brush, apply the beige shadow to your lid all over, cover them.  Then the pink colour on my lower lid not up to crease.  Next, use a blend brush for the brown shadow and applied it on all your crease.  I pushed the brush up a bit and to the outer corner of my lid and after that, blended with the pink!  Don't forget to use the same brush, with the peppery remains of the brown shadow under the eye too. 

Now I need extra help from Miss Mascara and Miss Eyeliner.  Thanks to Silky Girl's mascara and Elianto Eyeliner Gel.  See the final results.  So shimmy shimmery!  When I look at this picture I imagine how oily my face is... uurggghhh...  it's actually the shimmers.

Please forgive my unruly brow... but I found the colour so nice ..... for more dramatic and for night look, I added more brown so this is how my eye looks like.

The verdict:
Frankly speaking, these kind of eyeshadow really suitable for night outing!  For office and formal, I stick to my matte Cosway's eyeshadow.  They are cheap too and I guess it will last long too since I just use a little but they still create a very outstanding makeover.  All the samples cost USD2.99 each if I am not mistaken (I misplaced the receipt. ^_^).

If you wish to see the rest of the products, please visit EVERYDAY MINERALS. (click link)


Anyone Watch the New Show Eleventh Hour?

I was watching the new show Eleventh Hour last night and it was focused on genetically modified fungus and pesticides. The pesticides used fungus and scorpion venom to kill the bugs but along with killing the bugs it stayed on the produce, in this case strawberries, and the pesticide attacked bug proteins (carmine a red dye made from a type of beetle) in food that people ate and it paralyzed them. Eek. Now that's creepy.

Could this really happen? Are companies playing with our food and products like this? Sadly, yes. Maybe not with hybrid scorpion venom and fungus but who knows what these mad scientists are concocting in their secret labs.

We may be eating genetically modified food and not even know it because right now, from what I understand, it doesn't have to be labeled as a genetically modified organism (GMO). Not only that, another good point that was made on Eleventh Hour, is that long term testing has not been done to ensure that GMO foods and products are safe.

Yes, we need solutions for ending world hunger but they need to be safe foods that don't do more harm than good.

Another good point Eleventh Hour made was that natural and non-toxic don't mean squat. Plenty of harmful, damaging, or just gross things are "natural". That doesn't mean they are safe or good for you. And non-toxic is pretty much a marketing term unless it is backed up with official evidence and testing.

The carmine that is used for making red dye is made from a type of beetle. For some people this may be an ick factor. Especially since many red food dye is made with these bugs. Yes, that means you are eating bug parts when you eat many types of red or pink colored foods. Or wearing red cosmetics. Carmine is used in many lipsticks. I probably have some on my lips right now...eeew. I may have to double check on that.

Other "natural" things that appear in food or cosmetics that may give you a feeling of eeew include animal urine, placenta, animal fats and all kinds of naturally occurring chemical compounds. Yeah, OK, Belladonna is a natural thing, it's a plant that's been used to create poisons for centuries, same with Foxglove. Foxglove is used to make digitalis, heart medication. But the wrong dose or touched by the wrong person and it can be deadly (coincidentally that was last week's killer method on Eleventh Hour).

So the moral of the story is, read your labels, and demand full disclosure from companies, that means they have to include everything, in layman's terms, that appears in the product.

If I'm eating bugs I damn well want to know I'm eating bugs.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

To all Married Couples (absolutely beautiful!)

Well, this is the email that I got from my friend, Jar Jar and I forwarded it to all my married friends, including my beloved hubby.  It might be just a story but it touches my heart that I almost broke my tears at the end of it. 

Long but worth reading…..  (Yeah..right!)
P/S: So ladies, make sure you stay slim all the time…so that your hub can carry you…(What the..?!)

To All Married Couples and Singles Who Intend To Get Married

When I got home that night as my wife served dinner, I held her handand said, I've got something to tell you. She sat down and ate quietly. Again I observed the hurt in her eyes.Suddenly I didn't know how to open my mouth. But I had to let her knowwhat I was thinking. I want a divorce. I raised the topic calmly.

She didn't seem to be annoyed by my words, instead she asked mesoftly, why? I avoided her question. This made her angry. She threw awaythe chopsticks and shouted at me, you are not a man! That night, we didn't talk to each other. She was weeping. I knew she wanted to find outwhat had happened to our marriage. But I could hardly give her a satisfactoryanswer, she had lost my heart to a lovely girl called Dew. I didn't love her anymore..I just pitied her!

With a deep sense of guilt, I drafted a divorce agreement which stated that she could own our house, our car, and 30% stake of my company.She glanced at it and then tore it into pieces. The woman who had spent ten years of her life with me had become a stranger. I felt sorry for her wasted time, resources and energy but I could not takeback what I had said for I loved Dew so dearly. Finally she cried loudly in front of me, which was what I had expected to see. To me her cry was actually a kind of release. The idea of divorce which hadobsessed me for several weeks seemed to be firmer and clearer now.

The next day, I came back home very late and found her writingsomething at the table. I did'nt have supper but went straight tosleep and fell asleep very fast because I was tired after an eventful day with Dew.When I woke up, she was still there at the table writing. I just did not care so I turned over and was asleep again.

In the morning she presented her divorce conditions: she didn't want anything from me, but needed a month's notice before the divorce. She requested that in that one month we both struggle to live as normal alife as possible. Her reasons were simple: our son had his exams in a months time and she did'nt want to disrupt him with our broken marriage.

This was agreeable to me. But she had something more, she asked me torecall how I had carried her into out bridal room on our wedding day. She requested that everyday for the month's duration I carry her outof our bedroom to the front door ever morning. I thought she was goingcrazy. Just to make our last days together bearable I accepted her odd request.

I told Dew about my wife s divorce conditions. She laughed loudly andthought it was absurd. No matter what tricks she applies, she has toface the divorce, she said scornfully.

My wife and I hadn't had any body contact since my divorce intentionwas explicitly expressed. So when I carried her out on thefirst day,we both appeared clumsy. Our son clapped behind us, daddy is holding mummy in his arms. His words brought me a sense of pain. From thebedroom to the sitting room, then to the door, I walked over tenmeters with her in my arms. She closed her eyes
and said softly, don't tell our son about the divorce. I nodded, feeling somewhat upset. Iput her down outside the door. She went to wait for the bus to work. Idrove alone to the office.

On the second day, both of us acted much more easily. She leaned on mychest.. I could smell the fragrance of her blouse. I realized that Ihadn't looked at this woman carefully for a long time. I realised shewas not young any more. There were fine wrinkles on her face, her hair was graying! Our marriage had taken its toll on her. For a minute Iwondered what I had done to her.

On the fourth day, when I lifted her up, I felt a sense of intimacyreturning. This was the woman who had given ten years of her life tome. On the fifth and sixth day, I realized that our sense of intimacywas growing again. I didn't tell Dew about this. It became easier tocarry her as the month slipped by. Perhaps the everyday workout made me stronger.

She was choosing what to wear one morning. She tried on quite a fewdresses but could not find a suitable one. Then she sighed, all my dresses have grown bigger. I suddenly realized that she had grown so thin, that was the reason why I could carry her more easily.Suddenly it hit me, .. she had buried so much pain and bitterness in her heart. Subconsciously I reached out and touched her head.  
Our son came in at the moment and said, Dad, it's time to carry mumout. To him, seeing his father carrying his mother out had become an essential part of his life. My wife gestured to our son to come closer and hugged him tightly. I turned myface away because I was afraid I might change my mind at this lastminute. I then held her in my arms, walking from the bedroom, through the sitting room, to the hallway. Her hand surrounded my neck softlyand naturally. I held her body tightly, it was just like our wedding day.But her much lighter weight made me sad. On the last day, when I held her in my arms I could hardly move a step. Our son had gone to school.I held her tightly and said, I hadn't noticed that our life lacked intimacy.

I drove to office... jumped out of the car swiftly without locking the door. I was afraid any delay would make me change my mind... I walkedupstairs. Dew opened the door and I said to her, Sorry, Dew, I do notwant the divorce anymore.

She looked at me, astonished. Then touched my forehead. Do you have afever? She said. I moved her hand off my head. Sorry, Dew, I said, Iwon't divorce. My marriage life was boring probably because she and Ididn't value the details of our lives, not because we didn't love each other any more. Now I realise that since I carried her into my home onour wedding day I am supposed to hold her until death do us apart. Dew seemed to suddenly wake up. She gave me a loud slap and then slammed the door and burst into tears. I walked downstairs and drove away.

At the floral shop on the way, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for my wife. The salesgirl asked me what to write on the card. I smiled and wrote:

I'll carry you out every morning until death do us apart.

The small details of our lives are what really matter in arelationship. It is not the mansion, the car, property , the money in the bank, blah..blah..blah. These create an environment conducive for happiness but cannot give happiness in themselves. So find time to beyour spouse's friend and do thoselittle things for each other that build intimacy. Do have a real happy marriage!

If you don't share this, nothing will happen to you, but if you do, you just might save a marriage.

- Author unknown -

Auuuwwww.... you're awesome Mr. Unknown Author.  Just now, I checked my incoming emails and found this, replied by hubby.....

thanks for the very nice quote you made. i can't carry up but i know in my heart everyday loving you is brand new love and till death do us part. kenyeng kenyengggg.

He made me smiled with tears.  I wanted to hug him, to give him a beary cuddle but he fell asleep a while ago.. I love you too, dear. I can't do anything, barely anything without you by my side. - even to put on my feet cover, I have to yell out to get you for help!

Oh by the way, don't ask what a "kenyeng kenyengggg" is.  But for those who are dying to know, it is our baby language for the words; "kisses kisses and hugs".

Cute words aren't they?


Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Didn't have breakfast on Monday so we had our brunch at NK FOOD NETWORK somewhere at Jln. Tun Ahmad Zaidi (Jln. Keretapi), located opposite the Golf Driving Range... hope you can find it easily!

Be patience while waiting for the waiter...

Then came the waiter with the menu.... so we ordered:

Kuih Seri Muka & Kuih Lompang!!! (RM0.50 cents each)

Our drinks, Fresh Soya Bean and Sarsi, slurrrppss...

My Chicken Kungpao Rice (RM4.00).  Small portion of rice with super-kickass hot chicken meat in gingery sweet-saucy gravy.  Thumbs up!  Thanks to the scallion that makes this dish more aromatic.

Hubby's Crispy Tomato Mee, (RM4.50).  I wonder how does it taste... I didn't try to scoop from his plate like usual but I know it was all OK when he said,

"Hmmm... so deliiiiicioussss!!"

So overall, the grand total is = RM14.20.  kachingg!!!!

Didn't burn a hole in my purse as these all were my treat for my special one.



Didn't have breakfast on Monday so we had our brunch at NK FOOD NETWORK somewhere at Jln. Tun Ahmad Zaidi (Jln. Keretapi), located opposite the Golf Driving Range... hope you can find it easily!

Be patience while waiting for the waiter...

Then came the waiter with the menu.... so we ordered:

Kuih Seri Muka & Kuih Lompang!!! (RM0.50 cents each)

Our drinks, Fresh Soya Bean and Sarsi, slurrrppss...

My Chicken Kungpao Rice (RM4.00).  Small portion of rice with super-kickass hot chicken meat in gingery sweet-saucy gravy.  Thumbs up!  Thanks to the scallion that makes this dish more aromatic.

Hubby's Crispy Tomato Mee, (RM4.50).  I wonder how does it taste... I didn't try to scoop from his plate like usual but I know it was all OK when he said,

"Hmmm... so deliiiiicioussss!!"

So overall, the grand total is = RM14.20.  kachingg!!!!

Didn't burn a hole in my purse as these all were my treat for my special one.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Besides cooking, reading and singing, I am a sort of makeup addict.  I am not really a 'M.A.C' or Sephora person.  Simple cheap makeups would be good enough for me.  Hmmm.. some of my favourite stuff, I could say.

This buddy is sold for RM19.90.  I bought it at The Spring last month.

I have found a lot of makeup train/case in market but all of them mostly bold and unlike this one, it is made of plastic, durable and most of all it has attachable compartment.

Recently I have purchased few items via Ebay USA and Everyday Minerals.  Thanks to Irene and her friend, Ann who gave me the idea to go Minerals!!  Yes, minerals makeups are the 'IN' thingy now... I am still waiting for my eyeshadow to come but to make my excitement more dramatic, I received my brush set yesterday.  Yayy!!  Posted from Hong Kong, I bought this set via  Cost me less than USD12 (including postal cost). 

There are 12 brushes, black colour actually.  The smaller brushes are from my current  collections.  I love the brushes so much.  They glide smoothly on my eyelids and helping much in the blending process.
See this for :
Yeahhh.. light smokey brown shade for office.. so light and natural.
You love it?


How to throw an Eco-Friendly Halloween party this year!!

Here's a few quick tips on how to throw an eco-freindly Halloween party from celebrity party planner Marcy Blum who has tons of suggestions to make your party environmentally conscious- from skeleton streamers, to recyclable dinnerware and candles made out of soy or beeswax.

Here's a few of her green ideas:

Make Halloween Costumes from sustainable products (globe, crayon, ocean, butterfly, 80s singer, woodland nympth)
buy silk-not petroleum-made costumes: Sarah’s silks (, Nova Natural (, Magic Cabin (

Serve Kopali Organic SUPERGOOD SUPERFOODS come in flavors like Chocolate-covered Bananas, Gojiberries, Espresso Beans and Mulberries

Drink Pure Teas from Bombilla, in flavors that come in Oolong, White, Green and Jasmine are the flavors. (they have 90% more antioxidants than traditional teas)

An Open Letter to My Grandaughter On Her First Birthday

Well, Sammi is one year old today. Maybe some day she'll read this and understand and appreciate why she's so special.


It's been a year since I held you at the hospital and had that strange feeling that things would never be the same for our family again. It was the exact same feeling I had when they handed your mother over to me in the delivery room when she was born.

I have to admit, it took be completely by surprise. I knew you would be cute and I knew you would be special but I never anticipated how quickly and completely you would capture my heart.

It didn't stop there....every time I saw you, you got more beautiful and seemed more full of joy. My hearts stops when you look at me and smile that huge, unbridled smile of recognition. It takes so little to please you and the reward for doing so is so great, it makes being near you an unexpected pleasure.

I've spent a lot of time trying to figure all this out; why you've had such a great impact on me and why it's so important to see you. As near as I can figure, it has something to do with how much I love your Mom and how much I was in awe and wonder of who she was when she was your age.

It seems such an incredibly short time ago.

Her fingers and toes were just as delicate and just as beautiful as yours. Her smile was just as big and just as freely given. Her squeals of delight and joy were just as contagious and she was just as devastatingly beautiful as you are.

One of my prayers for you, Sammi, is that one day you will know the peculiar pleasure and pain of being a parent. The pleasure of seeing your beautiful baby in awe of a beautiful and wondrous world. The joy of holding your baby in your arms until they are too big to hold anymore. The delight in seeing your baby crawl, then toddle, and then the melancholy pain and pleasure of watching as your baby walks down their own path in life. Then you'll know that parents often wonder if they did everything right. You'll see they have a strong tendency to second guess themselves and revisit times and circumstances that are best left behind as they embrace and savor what God has placed on their plates in the present.

Then one day, I pray that, just a miraculously.... just as magically, you have the opportunity to experience the beauty and blessing of your own grandchild. I pray that you'll see that little person as an extension of a work that God began in your heart so long ago....and a promise of continued and eternal blessing. If that happens, you'll have to look no further to know the greatness of God's love and the fullness of His joy.

I pray that you see that the beauty your grand child possesses has been passed down from your Grand Mother to your Mother, to you, then to your baby and then to her baby . I pray that you see that that beauty comes at least as much from within as it does from without and it all comes from the Lord.

I pray that you know your Lord a least as well as your parents and grand parents do. I pray that you grow up strong in His Word, committed to His will and blessed in His grace and mercy.

God be with you, Sammi. You are the living, breathing, laughing, cooing evidence that He is with us.

Grandpa K

It’s Easy Being Green – Tips from Hunter Douglas

It’s Easy Being Green – Tips from Hunter Douglas

Insulate Everywhere It Counts

And don’t forget the window. Remember that nearly five percent of all energy consumed in the U.S. is lost through the windows of our homes. Be sure you use double-glazed windows and that window seals are tight and/or caulked. Select super-energy-efficient products from Hunter Douglas such as Duette® Architella honeycomb shades with their honeycomb-within-a-honeycomb construction to help protect against heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer.

Automate Window Coverings
To make the most of the natural heating and lighting power of the sun, window coverings should be automated to open and close at set times. Attach an inexpensive BTU sensor to the window and pre-set your motorization system. You need to integrate your window fashions with the other systems in your home – including media, security and electric lighting systems – for energy-savings potential to be maximized. All should be able to communicate with one another to optimize energy savings.

Go On a Power Strip
Power strips aren’t just for your computer gear. Use them for TVs, VCRs and appliances – electronic “vampires” that suck electricity to the tune of $1 billion a year when not in use. Turn them all off with one quick click.

The Light From Above
Light should enter the room from the highest point. Use products such as Duette® honeycomb shades, Silhouette® window shadings and Vignette® Modern Roman Shades from Hunter Douglas in a Top-Down/Bottom-Up configuration that lets you open from the top and stack at the bottom. This allows light to stream in from the top of the window, effectively lighting the room without electricity, while providing a measure of privacy and a view

How Many Light Bulbs Does It Take To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint? Replace conventional incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs). They cost a little more, but last up to 10 times longer, use two-thirds less energy and give off 70 percent less heat. Turn off lights and electronics when you leave the room.

Turn It Down
Lowering your thermostat by just one degree can reduce costs by about four percent. Using a ceiling fan in the summer and the winter can also help lower A/C and heating energy consumption.

Filter It Out
Keep air conditioner and heating filters clean and replace fiberglass filters with reusable, washable ones.

Your Solar System
In the U.S. , a home solar system can meet about three quarters of a family’s energy needs. A 4,000-watt solar-power system costs about $20,000, yet may qualify for significant tax credits. In states offering additional rebates and financial incentives, return on investment can be achieved in seven to 10 years.

Lean Green Washing Machine

Improvements in technology and effective, environmentally friendly laundry products mean there’s no need to use hot water in the laundry. Enjoy savings in electricity and a kinder, gentler treatment of fabrics and the environment.

Go Low With the Flow
Invest in low-flow water fixtures for shower, faucets and toilets and reduce water consumption and electricity costs as much as 50 percent.

Grime Out
Household cleaning and laundry products such as bleach, detergents and phosphates add fumes, carcinogenic toxins and other dangerous substances to clothing and household surfaces and then get poured down the drain to do permanent damage to the planet. Inexpensive natural cleaning products such as white vinegar with lemon juice, baking soda and borax are safe, sustainable and work on a multitude of household objects.

Bag It
Plastic bags have a lifespan of 500 years. Cut down or eliminate their use altogether by bringing cloth bags to the supermarket, cutting down on trash and giving garbage new life in a compost heap instead of a trash bag.

The Constant Gardener
Even if you don’t talk to them, plants are living things with a job to do – clean the air. Include houseplants in your interiors – one for every 10 yards of space. Outside, plant shrubs and flowers that require less water and replace harsh pesticides with natural substances.

With these tips and more, being green can be easier and more impactful than you think.

Hunter Douglas Inc. is a national sponsor of Habitat for Humanity, covering windows in every Habitat home built in the U.S. and Canada . Headquartered in Upper Saddle River N.J. , the company is the leading manufacturer of custom window fashions in North America . For more information visit:

7 Completely No-Brainer Ways To Go Green And Save Money

Here's a post found on
7 Completely No-Brainer Ways To Go Green And Save Money

Going green doesn't have to mean losing green. There are so many ways to be eco-friendly without getting rid of the paper in your bank account. Sometimes, being green is not only pricey, but also complicated, and inconvenient for the average person. Composting, making your own bio-fuel, buying only organic-- all are great for the environment, but unrealistic for the newly green. Follow these steps to make your life greener, with less money spent.

Dry Clothes the Natural Way-Return to the virtuous days of old, when laundry was hung outside to dry. Let your clothes air-dry instead of wasting massive amounts of energy in the dryer. Not only will your wallet thank you, but your clothes will benefit from the open-air freshness.

Use Body Heat This Winter-Find someone to cuddle with by Winter. This is free and fun, and it actually works. Your body is a toasty 98.6 degrees, so hugging someone else is the best form of insulation. It's cheaper than raising the thermostat, and it doesn't put a strain on the earth.

Say No to Vampire Power-Appliances like printers, blenders, and blow-dryers that remain plugged in while not in use drain your energy slowly. It's a process called vampire power. You may think that because these items are not in use, you're not using electricity, but the truth is that these appliances are always in stand-by mode, and require small amounts of electricity constantly. The more appliances you have plugged in, the more energy you consume. And it can really add up. A simple remedy is to go around the house and unplug unnecessary things, like that old VCR that you never use, or the TV in the guest room. At night, when you shut off your computer, switch off the power strip as well. Unplug fully charged cell phones from the adapter, and unplug the adapter from the wall, too!

Digitize Your Reading-Don't allow more trees to die! Take your reading into the 21st century by reading online or using a Kindle. Of course you can still check out books from the library (or read them an hour at a time at your local bookstore), but both of those option require you to leave home and burn up some more fossil fuel! And remember that websites like Barnes & Noble allow you to buy used books directly from their site. It's cheaper than buying new, and you can feel better about your impact on the environment.

BYOB: Bring Your Own Bags-Leaving the grocery store with a heap of plastic bags is so not cool anymore that many cities are banning them. Although paper is a smidgen better, using cloth bags is that much closer to perfection. Bags are not really necessary at all if you compartmentalize your trunk with a recyclable box and put your food directly from your cart into your box. When the cashier asks, "paper or plastic," you can say "neither!" and feel good about reducing the amount of plastic in landfills. It may feel weirdly pedestrian initially, but the awkwardness will wear off!

Bye Bye Bottled Water-Recent studies have shown that filtered tap water is just as healthy as expensive bottled water. It's time to say goodbye to bottled water that pollutes the earth with long-lasting plastics. Invest in a metal bottle and a simple tap water filter. It'll definitely be cheaper than constantly buying bottled water, and it's healthier for the earth.

Work From Home -Everyone knows that gas prices are going up, but so are all energy prices. Carpooling is so yesterday. If you can convince your boss to let you telecommute a few days a week, you'll be saving both you and your company money. With freely available remote access technology at your fingertips, you can easily work from home without skipping a beat.
These are just some of the many low-to-no-cost things you can do to make a positive impact in the environment, have a lighter carbon footprint, and make the world a little greener. Don't just sit there: be the change you wish to see in the world.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Baptismal Service

We were able, thanks to Warrenton Baptist Church and the generous offer of their facilities, to baptize the largest group of brothers and sisters in the Lord we've ever baptized before. There were fourteen folks in all, including two families! We were joined by a group of about 50 folks. Here are some pictures:

Sunday, October 19, 2008

La Calle

Gran poema de Octavio Paz:

La Calle

Es una calle larga y silenciosa.
Ando en tinieblas y tropiezo y caigo
y me levanto y piso con pies ciegos
las piedras mudas y las hojas secas
y alguien detrás de mí también las pisa:
si me detengo, se detiene;
si corro, corre. Vuelvo el rostro: nadie.
Todo está oscuro y sin salida.
y doy vueltas y vuetas en esquinas
que dan siempre a la misma calle
donde nadie me espera ni me sigue.
donde yo sigo a un hombre que tropieza
y se levanta y dice al verme: nadie.

Octavio Paz

Saturday, October 18, 2008


Helo, it's me back with my new keyboard.  What would I tell you about today?  Hmmm.. let us start with my weekends.  Oh yes, the bestest days of the weeks, Saturday and Sunday.  My Saturday started very early.  Chubby Gabby Boo had their schools 'Hari Raya' celebration and she wanted to make a grand entree with 'baju kurung' and makeups!  Awwwhh..Mama's girl now is growing older, so I just gave her some light makeover ala Barbie, pink eyeshadow, blusher and lipgloss.  Prepared Papa's breakfast too, just simple Cintan's Mee Goreng with fried eggs on top.

My pretty girl, awaiting for her chicken to cluck, eh?  to arrive....
Lavish orders..
Don't comment.  We love fries so much that 3 persons had to order 4 portions!!  Such an unfair battle, though. LOL
My humble plate, minus the so-called cucumber pickles..

After they both left the house, I grabbed my tea (coffee was finished!) and switched on my PC, till 11:00 a.m.   Then I rushed to the kitchen to make some 'Sambal Kicap' for the BBQ Stingray which was prepared by my MIL.  Everyone went for afternoon's short nap till 5 or 6??!! Phewww.... yes, we had dinner at Sugar Bun.  FYI, I am so addicted to SB that I visited the place twice this month.  Cheaper choices, yet various, what more to say.  Indulgence!  With RM42 we were stuffed like Spongebob Squarepants with 3 plates of Savoury Rice, 4 French Fries with Cheese Dips, a set of Chickies, 1 cup of Milo and Ribena each and 2 cups of Root Beer with a kick ass ending Magnum's Classic Ice Cream for desserts.  Wait, did I miss out anything? Well, no.  If compared to KFC, it would be more than RM42, even though I have their discount card.

SIL came to visit with her hubby and daughter so we had durians after that... another indulgence experience.  The durians tasted so good, so Vanilla-like and made me feel warmer tonight.  Ugh, hubby commented that I smelled like durians when he kissed my cheeks before going to sleep.  So I had to brush my teeth and then washed my face before continuing to watch movies on YouTube.  Talking about movies, uugghh I love to watch movies on YouTube, a must ritual for Saturday and Sunday.  This week, I watched Camp Rock, Ella Enchanted and of course, my spirit burning movie - The Devil Wears Prada, for let say, hundred of times and it never fails to amuse me.  Of course, because I am Andy Sach in my own way.  Oh... yes of course my boss isn't as cold as Miranda Priestly and I don't have colleague like Emily.  Hell yeah, my job is the bestest job in the world that I always proud of.  Just to note, my post isn't as glamorous as Andy, I am just simple lady with an open mind and free spirit.

Darn!  I really a Durian Mom! Living a Durian life... smell like Durian too.. hehehe..


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