
Wednesday, October 8, 2008


Missing me, anyone?

How nice everyone is asking for my well being and oh yes, I can hear Jojo screaming for my name, too!  How sweet!  My blogging activity somehow was delayed for some reasons e.g. connection thingy, motherboard probs, time consuming, Oh what a bummer!  

I wanna start my stories from well, from the Hari Raya's Celebration.  I went to only 3 houses because my stomach was making fool of myself.  Yes, I have this digestive problem that whenever I eat, I will go to the loo shortly after having my meals.  Oh my oh my.... but as you know, I always take things positively (bragging huh?!), hey, it's good somehow, like a eating meter, you will poop out when you eat a lot.  I always tell hubby, having something to eat would be the last thing to do when go outing before heading home.

Hari Raya holidays, celebrating the feasts and shopping spree, sales here and there, and we like crazy spending our hard earned RM RM.. Stupid. Stupid.  Well, it's something we rarely do to shop like crazy but afterall we need to pamper ourselves; a victorious celebration against office-war. The conclusion, my stuff some were replenished and Gabby has gotten her gift, too.  Something to appreciate her good works in getting 6As in all important subjects.  She wants nice pressies, she must work hard to get those.

Talking about poopies, I would like to share a story that left me giggling since few hours ago.  We supposed to go to a nearby clinic for my Pap Smear but ended with dissappointment.  The clinic was fully packed with sick people so we detoured to Everrise to buy Gabby's milk and Ribena.  While paying the stuff, I had a major stomach ache attack and without thinking twice, I asked the girl, "Dek, sitok ada toilet kah?" ("Sis, is there any toilet here?").  The impact forced me with more pain when she replied, "Ada kak, nun tingkat 3 atas nun.." (Yes sis, it's at 3rd floor, up there..)  Sweet Jesus Holy Father in Hea'en!!  I passed the groceries bag to hubby and left him puzzled whilst watching me running to the lift and repeatingly pressing the button.  I have sweated a pile then without waiting any longer, I ran up the staircase, very very fast and went to press the lift's button again, with hope it would open for me.  Failure!  I ran up up away again and this time, gasping some air and looked around.  In the dimmer light (the place was almost reaching the closing time), I could see the signboard for TOILET.  Thank God, thanks Lord....  I rushed into one of the cubicles and released the uuuurrgggeee!  Luckily, I always got myself a box/packet of big bulky tissue papers inside my tote so there I was, sweating and cringing reacted to the dirty wall, yucks!!  10 minutes later, everything backed to normal.  I went out with a gigantic sigh and saw hubby texted me that he's awaiting for me inside our car.  I went down the staircase but suddenly a huge loud banged door left me in puzzled.  OMG!  They shut down the Level 1!!!!!  I ran quickly upstairs just to try my luck to use the lift to get me down, I actually didn't feel so much worry as some of the kids were still playing billiards and if I couldn't use the lift at least I have the back door exit for alternative.  Ting!!  The lift's door opened and I went down to the groundfloor just to see Watson and Everrise were already closed.  The main door was still opened though so I ran happily to my loyal hubby who waited patiently inside the car without knowing that his wife was in a big trouble to escape!!

That's it.  No more eating when going out, no more... And today, when I calculated how many times I entered the loo, it was 5!!  The more I eat, the more I poop as I've mentioned before.  But it's OK, I told myself, at least all the fats are finally dumped in the bowl so all the sins considered forgiven.  LOL.

Moral of the story, dining is the last thing on my mind whenever I go out.  Full stop.


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