
Friday, August 13, 2010

That is Just A Sign

OK, so everything is not what it seems here in Greece. Yes, it's all Greek (to me). But there's something else, sometimes not too deep below the surface, that defies American logic.

For example, on our little voyage on the ferry this past week, John went to the dining room doors at 7am because the sign said "Breakfast, 7am-9am". When the doors weren't open by 7:15am, he asked one of the official crew why there was no breakfast. His reply: "That is just a sign."

So, in like manner, I give you...

That is Just a Sign:
Things That Are NOT What They Seem, A Quiz

1. Speaking of our "cruise", is this:

a. the lounge
b. upgraded seating
c. our cabin

2. Try this this:

a. a UPS delivery gone bad

b. recycling for pick up
c. reserved parking

3. Would you say this parking job is:

a. completely legal
b. slightly illegal
c. the parking of a bank robber who is currently inside, doing his job

4. Greeks are, on the whole, smaller than Americans. To the Greeks, is this a picture of:

a. the incredible shrinking truck
b. John on steroids
c. a Deutschlander

5. Is this a:

a. watch dog
b. pointer dog
c. hot dog

6. What a lovely...

a. cafe in Megalo Prinos
b. road in Megalo Prinos
c. view from our windshield

7. This family is:

a. comfortable
b. stylish
c. using ALL of their minibike

8. This man is:

a. seriously immune to caffeine
b. seriously homeless
c. seriously taking his siesta

9. This dog is:

a. avoiding becoming a hot dog
b. living above the supermarket
c. stuck

10. This boy is:

a. going to vote
b. getting on the subway
c. hearing the sound of water (swish, swish)

BONUS QUESTION: In Greece (perhaps all of Europe) they do not flush their toilet paper, they "throw it away". This item must:

a. be approached with great caution at all times
b. be one of those items made for ignoble purposes that the Bible talks about

And here are the answers you've been biting your nails over:
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. c
5. um, c?
6. a, b, c
7. c (check out the stroller in front of Dad!!)
8. c
9. b
10. c
Bonus: Pee-ew! All of the above!

Hope you enjoyed our little quiz. Now you too, can travel Greece and feel right at home!


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