
Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Went to Tarot Cafe at Jalan Keretapi with my SIL.

We were lucky because we went there during working days and the cafe was full with housewives gossiping with their friends. Haha! Serious. There were around 15-20 people accommodating the place but only 3 guys were spotted sitting outside smoking. The rest, hail to the Queens!

This cafe was here for more than a year ago but I only had my golden chance to sample the dishes there few days ago. Initially, I told hubby that (thru a blog) there is Tarot Card reading service available and patrons may try by just paying RM30 and bla bla. When I said 'Tarot' he thought it was a taboo so he scolded me and refused to go there. Whenever we pass by the place at night, I will point to him and say, "See? So many people there... having fun sipping mocktails with friends" but he quickly outwits me and says, "Tarot.. ridiculous, Jesus non-believer..." :p. Lame. Yes, that's my hubby.

To cut the crap short, let me show you what did I try at Tarot. We start with; before that, let me ask for forgiveness. My pictures are all in bad quality. I miss my Sony Ericsson G900, the 5 megapixels camera phone never failed me. A new phone? Yes, I am now using Blackberry Curve. I'm a BB user! lol. *acting stupid*

Presenting the menu book. We took nearly 5 minutes to decide what to eat and drink. Everything sounds/looks so nice in the menu!!!!!

Very refreshing! Just pour in Coke, pop in few slices of lemon and top it with vanilla ice-cream. Oh, I'm in 7th heaven!

My 2nd drink. Yes. My second drink. I was thirsty like a camel. It's nothing weird. Nice lemon tea, the tea is quite 'thick'.

The appetizer. Nothing much to rave about this toast except the crunchiness that leads me crazy. Thanks to the swipe of butter, it makes the cucumber and lettuce taste nicer.

The most awaited dish. The moment of truth. OMG. Hefty amount of Nasi Lemak with Ayam Masak Merah. One plateful of divinity. Everything is so freshly crunchy. The cucumber and fried anchovies. The sambal is very mild. Mind the 'keropok' appearance. Since everyone now can afford the Air Asia tickets to Indonesia, as long as there is a considered Malay food must be accomplish with keropok. So typical. I have been to many halal food outlets out there run by Chinese proprietors, whenever they have Nasi Goreng or Nasi Lemak this type of 'Keropok Sayur' will parade themselves on the plate. Tell you what, the right type of Keropok is actually Keropok Melinjo.

Back to the topic. Excuse me. Tarot Cafe, I would give them 4 stars for their reasonable price, fast service, cleanliness and the deliciousness of their dishes. Oh, you will get your eyes crossed to see the varieties of their mocktails and beverages.

With Love,

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