
Saturday, August 28, 2010

New Age

This past week I got a new pair of glasses, my fall classes started and I got a different car. And, yes, it was getting a new car that topped the list. Everything is relative.

After driving my grey car for four years, I decided to be adventurous and get a .... red car.

Call me a wild and crazy guy. Living on the edge of danger. Throwing caution to the wind. After years and years of grey and beige, I went ... red.

Bailey probably wonders if his master has gone a bit crazy. (Okay, HE'S the master but that's another story.)

When I was considering the car, the salesman kept telling me it came with a built in, modern, state of the art navigation system. I told him I really did not care. Give me a map. Who needs a navigation system? I was almost upset the car had the dumb thing. But what can you do?

Then yesterday I took my first trip in the new, used car with the dumb (!) navigation system. As so often in my life, I was so, so wrong.

I drove to Minneapolis to a wedding and, fortunately, there were family members in the car who helped me realize the navigation unit was a pretty nice feature. Going in and out of traffic in a big town, I soon realized the navigation system was pretty nice.

By the time I got home, I was hooked. I will never again drive a car, if I can help it, without a navigation unit. They are incredible.

Remember, I'm the guy who told people I would never have a cell phone. I was the guy who said my typewriter was just fine, thank you very much, and asked that the computer be taken out of my office. I was the guy who said I would never have a big screen TV.

Sometimes it is a good idea to listen and learn - even though you are convinced you know everything! I could not be without my cell phone. I love my computer and big screen TV. And now the idea of having a car without a navigation unit is .... well, unthinkable!

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