
Saturday, August 21, 2010


You might think that I am crazy but I do love to sniff it. It all started with a recent cold. Actually, I feel that I love the smells of petrol, Dettol, kerosene and other stimulating smell. Don't get me wrong, I don't like to sniff glue.

I know it is not good for my health but the sinful, calming feeling could not stop me from doing it more and more. LoL. Ewww.. I sound so scary now, don't I??

On the brighter side, I sniff the stick to clear my blocked nostril during cold, which is good. I don’t experience stuffed lung (breathing problem, chest pain when breathing) everytime I ascend the staircase as I’m asthmatic, it is the hardest job to do, haha. So, it helps a lot when l lesser the usage of my inhaler (drug). Unfortunately, the stick becomes my special type of drug now, sort of since it is very addictive to sniff. It's not a cute thing to do.

This is cute. *bragging* Haha!

This is NOT CUTE. I repeat NOT CUTE AT ALL!! My addiction is up to this level, I tell you. Oh yes, the stick's minty aroma was almost gone so that is why I stuck the thing to my nosel. Haha.

Don't worry pals, I'm still under control.

With Love,

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