
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Superbugs Kills Babies In A Leading Hospital

University College Hospital has one of the UK’s most excellent neonatal units, but, currently is under the attack by superbugs.

Because of the superbug increase in the neonatal unit, at least three newborn infants have died and 12 babies are reported to be infected.

The babies were three months old and were undergoing treatment in the contemporary intensive care unit of the hospital.

According to the minutes of the meeting at the hospital held on August 10, the number of babies infected with gram-negative bacteria has amplified the risk level and the hospital is on a ‘heightened level of concern’.

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) in association with the hospital authorities is looking into the entire matter.

A Spokesperson of HPA said that HPA is monitoring the situation and providing essential information on infection control and possible antibiotic treatments.

Doctors say that the majority of the superbugs are resistant to all antibiotics and the resistance level are increasing day-by-day. Some medical experts consider that in the coming days these bugs will be difficult to get rid of and will cause a ‘medical apocalypse’.

The neonatal unit is undergoing a ‘deep clean’ presently and the hospital officials have stopped taking more cases.

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