
Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Kacang Tumbuk or Kong Th’ng is one of my favourite snacks. I don't know the process to produce this candy (candy? it's sweet what?) but when it is 'tumbuk' means literrally pounded and pressed very very hard right?

Whatever it is, am proud to be a Malaysian because I still remember the moments when we used to get this for free. When? When do you think? When my dad's Chinese colleagues sent an engagement invitation for sure will get this free. But it comes with price so I still remember Dad's would joked around, "another summon ticket comes!" . It's a Chinese custom, we understand. So do with the Ibans, Malays, Bidayuhs etc. Yes, we are living in a harmonious and beautiful vivacious country. It's like everyone is living under the same roof.

By looking at this pictures, I feel like going to the shop again and buy............. *sigh*. (OK people, I finished 2 packets of my stocks yesterday). :p

With Love,

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