
Sunday, June 13, 2010


A happy Gawai picture at my cuzzy's house. From left, Sayra, Cynthia, Gabby, Lancelot.


This is my final holiday entry. The honeymoon is going to be over soon. Gonna say goodbye to all the heavenly things I do daily, - waking up late, mugs of caffeine fix, conquering TV, unlimited online activities, cooking (oh, I miss cooking!), visiting the shopping malls when everyone is dying working in the office haha!

What have I achieved so far? I gained weight, I got more pimples, baggy sleepy eyes, more fun, (should I mention it over again?). Room clearance? Only the box that full of gadget craps. I need to clear them. More of sorting works to come. I hate sorting stuff, just to be frank.

Oh, just to add the torture. My Streamyx modem has gone to heaven. Need to buy a new modem, money again. I hate to think about spending more cash, more and more. Didn’t celebrate Gawai but we did spend extra this month, going back and forth twice to Sri Aman, plus the Sematan thingy, plus the ‘jalan jalan cari makan’ or ‘Jalan Jalan Buang Duit’ as what hubby always says. Pity hubby, you have married a big spender. Not the underwear ok? Yes, that one we will talk about later.. big spender, big size spender haha.

It’s not Miss Coki’s blog without foodie pics right guys? Yes. We visited cousin Venni at their crib, located in the greenery MJC Sanctuary Courtyard last week and we really had good jolly time there.

Lemang and Kelupis. Yum.

This is our family's recipe, inherited by the Unaks haha. This is called Rendang Bawang, no, no, it doesn't contain all onions in the world but we normally use extra bawang in this Beef Rendang. Less kerisek.

This is Chicken Pansoh. Served piping hot from the bamboo!

Mutton curry. Hubby loves this too much but I warned him already, for his high blood pressure.

Well, that’s it. Blogging from my bedroom via some 'generous' neighbour's internet line. Sorry dude, please install password next time. Haha.

With Love,

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