
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Worship Team Says, "Goodbye!" To the Scruggs

The worship team had a small surprise party for Ron Scruggs as they gathered to practice for Ron's last Sunday leading worship at WBF before they leave for California and The Master's Seminary. Even more surprisingly, the evening was filled with mystery and intrigue. Follow along......

Things started out tame enough, everyone friendly and nice....

Even though some were on a supposed "sabbatical", they showed up anyway. "You taka my peechure?" he said (in a menacing but very bad fake-Greek accent)

The team had gotten together and presented Ron and his family with excellent (in my opinion) going away presents....Hawaiian shirts & dresses for all! Fine gifts indeed! As a matter of fine that.....

During what should have been a warm moment of joy and was discovered that someone had stolen some of the gifts!!!! Who could have done such a dastardly thing?

Could it have been Candace, the allegedly "nice" one?

Or, how about Gary and Sheri? They look pretty devious...don't they?

Here's a likely candidate, Mark. He claims he's a mandolin player. But we've heard rumors that he's known as "Mark the Knife" in some shadier and more questionable circles. Careful Ron! That hand on your back could just be stabbing you or...just maybe...stealing the shirt off your back!

Watch out, Ron. Don't be fooled by Bob's "quiet" demeanor. There could be a cold-hearted thief lurking under that "friendly" veneer.

Being an old-time 'Columbo' fan, I've learned that it is frequently the one who tries to appear so "helpful" that is the real criminal. Is Diane the treacherous felon?

Wait! What if it's *gasp* the Pastor and his wife????...striking when the opportunity arises and then making their getaway to a distant and foreign land!!

Well...thanks to the investigative expertise and computer skills of our intrepid secretary (albeit operating under greatly cramped and less than ideal conditions due to the renovation)....we have an answer!

The miscreant was nabbed with irrefutable evidence

By the end of the evening, the gifts were returned, apologies were made and grace was extended. Just in time to wish Ron (and his family) a warm and loving farewell.

We love you Ron, Robin, Sierra and Savanna! May God bless you as greatly as you have blessed us!

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