
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A Different Take on the BP Oil Spill

Here's something that caused me to chew on it for a while. It made me pause to consider that we live in a country where a gallon of milk is more expensive than a gallon of gas, and we still have a tendency to fret about the price. Hoe much does our concern about the price of the commodities we use affect the companies that produce them and how they accomplish their goals? Are we willing to pay more for a safer environment?

This is an excerpt from a very provocative article about Corporate responsibility and the demands of the market. It was posted at "Don't Eat the Fruit", a blog about how Christianity is affected by technology.

If we’ve ever complained about rising gas prices or the cost of air travel, we are participating in the world that drives companies like BP to cut costs. We want them to. We need them to. We don’t really want to know what BP is doing as long as it keeps our vehicles fueled and our computers powered. Not unlike Al Gore, who talks about the environment from the comfort of his personal jet, we love to talk about BP’s problems while consuming the product they provide at every opportunity.

You can, and should, read the entire article here.

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