
Saturday, December 17, 2011

"Earned Success"

  Ryan Streeter has a few thoughts on the matter:

  "In the fabricated world of the Occupy Wall Street movement, there are two classes of people: the 99 percent and the 1 percent.

The problem with Occupy Wall Street is that it gets the notion of "class" wrong. Its adherents actually know this. No bearded misfit sitting in a festering tent on public property would say that Steve Jobs (whose product the bearded misfit uses to post his third-rate Marxist blogs) is no different from Bernie Madoff or Jack Abramoff. Jobs is not in the same "class" as Madoff and Abramoff. Jobs got rich making the world better for us. Madoff and Abramoff got rich by hurting others.

The bearded misfit, if he really thinks about it, doesn't care about the top 1 percent. He cares about those who are super-rich but shouldn't be. It is in this way (and perhaps only this way) that the protesters are old-fashioned Americans. They don't think it's right that people should get so much without earning it"

  H/T: Real Clear Politics

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