
Thursday, December 15, 2011


Hi! ^^

Sim Kuan finally released herself from self-imposed prison today. Glad to see her. So funny, it's like it has been a long time since she's seen the sun. BWAHAHAH! Just five days though! She has the usual model-casting day look. Skinny jeans, t-shirt, big prada bag, black heels.

I noticed her bags are always big and square. Like can fit laptops. AGAGAG! Mine are squarish with rounded edges. Confirm small. Enough for the essentials- purse, phone, camera, keys. If I bring a big bag, sure I'll feel like I should put more things in it. Better go light!

I wore this floral dress shit with peplum. Old picture, remember we swapped dresses the next day. I took her pink dress (notorious for bringing bad luck, I forgot to bring two things to Siet Yen's party wearing that) and she took mine.

Aww. Feels like such a long time since I've seen her. Become australia hai already. I must blog more, so that I can rub it into Xuan's face. Wait nola, actually I blog to let her feel like she's part of it. BWAHAHHA! And I must go outings more, cannot be lifeless.

I wilt without friends. I need to go out, dress up, hang out! Be outing hai better than emo hai you know.

I wore this pair of heels today. Vincci red platform wedges. Four and a half inch I think? For some reason, this gets uncomfortable quicker than other four and a half wedges that I have. I always put a pair of low-maintenance shoes in the car; when I drive, I often have to stop by my friend's house, damn lazy to put on/take off my shoes.

Fed my car some petrol(SAME SHELL STATION EVERYTIME) before heading out. Was running low. I only use about RM50/week because the drive to school is near. Now I don't know, depends on how often I go out. 1.6 cc, but I seldom ever fill it fully. I think never. AAHAH!

If I do it then I will have this mentality- go further nevermind, it's alright, I still have petrol. And then end up doing all sorts of unnecessary shits. Wallet have more money, will think to spend more. Always have this sort of mentality. DAMN DOG. BWHAAH! I think short-term, satisfy wants more than completing the needs first.

Sim Kuan drove to my house and we drove to SS2. She was the GPS of the day. So funny, I remember Sim Kuan and Shao Yang both showing directions to Giza to me, but different ones. Two GPS fighting in my car!


This was the shit. YUMMY. !@#$%^

Kissaten at Jaya One. I usually order Chicken Teriyaki Burger. It was the first thing I ordered when I first went there and it has become the only thing I ordered. Mmm. Must try something else next time. Sim Kuan recommended it. "Sim Kuan, Kissaten nice eh." "OF COURSE LA, WHO RECOMMEND ONE YOU TELL ME?". *deng

But the thing I despise is that one or two of their waiters are really nosy. Same faces. Sim Kuan always notice them. He mopped the floor. After 5 minutes, came and mop again. WTF?! Hover around like paparazzi. Sigh, pretty is like that one. BWAHAH JK LOL ^^

Gave him cockstare whenever he came near. Creepy. Hmm, I think I got Sim Kuan's perasan-ness. Actually, come to think of it, all of my friends are very perasan- Xuan... Siet Yen... ahem...^^

After that, we went SS2 Mall to get Chatime. 

My favourite order- Mango Smoothie, slight sugar, grass jelly and aloe vera.

The girl taking the cup was like, "Grass jelly AND aloe vera?". Nice weyh. ^^ I like to eat Chatime, not to drink Chatime. The whole thing was like jelly and ice cream. Teehee

You know, they always give those cards for you to collect stamps- one drink one stamp and you'll get a free drink. I forgot who, but someone once said it has another meaning- "collect all means you have to check blood sugar levels already." :/


After that, went home. Sim Kuan chilled at my house.

Qi Yao called. Accompany him to eat steamboat. Mun Chun called. He was bored. Guys on holiday, flop around their beds and poke contact list, try one by one to see who's on. ME?! I FOREVER ON ONE. EVERYDAY PHONE MUST RING. "Want go out?" "You ON, I ON." BWHAAHA!

I don't think I'll lose touch with my high school friends. They're like.. one wholesome gang. See a lot of ex-form fives sticking to their high school gang eventhough they have college friends. College friends is more of a casual thing maybe? And an important thing with high school friends, you don't have to worry about friends not getting along with each other if you're going out in a gang. In fact, worry if they'll get closer than you. BWAHAHA!

All the woh wohs, see them all the time. Especially the Science Twos. Vincent, Shao Yang, Weng Hock, Ping Kuang, Theng Loo.

Went to Mun Chun's house after steamboat. Ping Kuang brought his younger bro. Teach him bad things my god. "Stupid bitch! Fuck! This one is bitch bitch jie jie!" MA DE GOU. Sim Kuan was playing Grand Theft Auto. Damn violent. And Mun Chun's bedsheets damn smelly. Unlike Vincent and Shao Yang's. ^^ I think because he likes to smoke in his room. BWAHAH! Gross!

After a while, went back! End of my Thursday!

Oh yeah, the night before, went to Excalibur with Mun Chun, Ping Kuang and Vincent. Because... I stayed home for the whole day. Asked Ping Kuang to fetch me because it was so late. Later my dad thinks I have car already, can fly out late late. Cannot! Must prove to him, no car also can fly! Dap pang. But then.. later he thinks some guy took me away. DAMN HARD TO PLEASE.

But it was okay. "Pa I'm going out" "So late? Come here." "Oh, I'll go out a while only!" "Nevermind. Just come here." Kinda scared. Went to him. "AH girl, come help me read message." BWAHAHAH! Cheh!

Oh yeah the Excalibur shit was at K Gallery. His dad owns the building so the owner treated us free drinks. "Pays" to have good relations! Bwhahaha! But the whole thing was more like a guys thing. Thai performers. The guitarist was quite hot. But... Thailand lai de....

AAHAHAH! Okay. Whatever happens in drunk land stays in drunk land. I didn't drink much, only the guys. I just wanted to come out. Deng, cannot last staying home for one day. Gou. Fetched Vincent with Ping Kuang's Harrier, he needed to rest. His car very big and steady, not bad! Like driving a fucking van!

Hmm. I wonder if the guys are coming out in a decent way. Later they tell their girlfriends they were eating but they were drinking... and then their girlfriends read my blog... DIE LOH. BWHAAHHAH! Shit.

That was Wednesday and Thursday! 

HEEE WHAT'S GOING TO COME NEXT? ^^ Enjoying holiday.


It looks freaky,

But it's an important message.

Enlightening to watch. :)

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