
Friday, December 16, 2011

Add "Perjury" To The List

 Jon Corzine might have just opened himself up for even more charges. Via Hot Air:

 "Here’s a question, and I intend this one sincerely: what the hell are Jon Corzine’s lawyers thinking when they allow him to testify to Congress?  After a new witness testified this week that Corzine knew of — and ordered — the transfer of customer funds to cover his big bets on European sovereign debt, Corzine finds himself in position to get indicted for perjury, having previously denied that he had any connection to those transfers.  Sure enough, Corzine appeared before Congress again yesterday in an attempt to talk himself out of trouble, a very curious strategy for a man facing the business end of a criminal investigation of the disappearance of $1.2 billion..."


 "On Tuesday, the head of the firm auditing MF Global said that a senior female executive told them that Corzine knew of at least $175 million borrowed illegally out of a customer account to cover those bets.  If that witness comes forward and auditors can unravel the transactions in the manner to which Terrence A. Duffy, the chief executive of CME Group testified, then Corzine has followed one materially false statement with another.  That will make it very difficult to walk back a perjury charge later, and in fact might add a second count."

 There is much more to read, so please enjoy the rest of the article.

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