
Saturday, December 17, 2011

Moron The NTSB

 "Moron." Did you see what I did there?
  OK. Sorry. In any event, if you read this post from Thursday you will enjoy this follow-up piece by Frank J. Fleming.

 Here's a snippet:

 "Driving is basically a grandfathered freedom from back when people cared less about pollution and danger and valued progress and liberty over safety. They had different equations related to human life then: We could lose 10,000 men in a single battle in a war and call it a victory.
We’re talking foolhardy people who eventually sent men to the moon strapped to a giant rocket that had less computational power than it takes to calculate the trajectory of an Angry Bird. Their kids dangled from jungle gyms over pavement.
Face it: We’re just not those people anymore. We don’t do dangerous things where lots of people could be hurt . . . even if they’re really cool and fun ideas. You can say we value human life more now, but it’s probably more apt to say we’re much sissier."

 H/T: Instapundit

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