
Friday, December 16, 2011

The Internet

  Still not a series of tubes. Via Slashdot:

 Congress's Techno-Ignorance No Longer Funny

Posted by Soulskill  
from the like-a-series-of-irritating-tubes dept.
pigrabbitbear writes"Since its introduction, the Stop Online Piracy Act (and its Senate twin PROTECT-IP) has been staunchly condemned by countless engineers, technologists and lawyers intimately familiar with the inner functioning of the internet. Completely beside the fact that these bills, as they currently stand, would stifle free speech and potentially cripple legitimate businesses by giving corporations extrajudicial censorial powers, there's an even more insidious threat: the method of DNS filtering proposed to block supposed infringing sites opens up enormous security holes that threaten the stability of the internet itself. The problem: key members of the House Judiciary Committee still don't understand how the internet works, and worse yet, it's not clear whether they even want to."

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