
Monday, October 31, 2011


As for projects here is a little something I have been working on...

A few months back I found this lovely little picture and fell in love:

There was a frame that was just as ornate sitting in my garage and would look SMASHING painted in gray and white but I didn't have anything to frame. As I am not one of those people who just puts up frames on my wall without pictures. Too hipster for me. So the idea just sat waiting for the perfect picture to come along. 

However it was not the perfect picture that came along but the perfect idea from Pinterest:

Found this picture a few weeks ago on a blog and I new that I NEEDED this for my jewelry. Especially my large necklaces. And add to the fact that I LOVE looking at my jewelry so what better way to display it than this. AND it would go perfect with the gray and white frame I have just been dying to make. 

Off to Lowes I went to pick out the perfect shade of gray and white for my picture frame. I chose to paint this time rather than spray paint because I suck at spray painting. 

It was gold before the paint job. LOVE IT! 

We also had some board cut to size at Lowes 

and then add some fabric 

and Ta-da!

I added a cute little knob from Anthropologie to hold my necklace 

I need to get a few more decorative knobs - just not sure where I can get them on the cheap around here. 

Also not sure about the fabric choice. What do you think? Do I need something a little more subtle? 

Anyway - I need to hang it up on the wall - but I need to finish the knobs up first so when that is done I will share a picture of my useful piece of art hanging up on the wall. Denis wanted to just lean it again the wall on top of the dresser - but he does not understand that the cats would just see my necklaces as toys to destroy. :(

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