
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sharing Kin Work Project: Scrapbooking

I am not, nor have I ever been, a master scrapbooker. You know the type? They have an embellishment for everything! A former co-worker of mine, for example, makes the most lovely layouts. I've been following her blog for a long time, far before I became a mother, and I always wondered if I would ever be able to document my kid's life with such attentiveness. Turns out, I can't.

From following Nicole's blog, I also learned about Project Life.

And this kit is what we're trying to use to document our son's life. We got our kit in February, and still have yet to print a picture to put in it. Actually, we haven't printed a single picture of our son yet. He's almost 18 months old. Now you know who you're dealing with, right?

I liked this system because you can journal on little cards and take them with you anywhere. So, the other night we sat in front of the tv and jotted down a memory or two while watching an episode of True Blood (have you seen that show, btw? It's crazy). Then we can pick photos to go along with the memories later. Or vice versa.

So how's it working out for us? That's for tomorrow's post!

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