
Sunday, July 31, 2011

House plants for beginers

Every now and then i get clients at the nursery who claim to be ruthless plant killers claiming to murder every plant they have ever owned ...i took it upon myself to find these plant assassins their match some plants that are just so easy to maintain... some greens you wont have to spend a fortune and with next to zero maintenance . Your plants won't need a miracle to grow with these no-fail tips.
First things first. You're probably wondering what you should grow. I recommend choosing hardier plants that will recover easily if you forget to water them and are seldom bothered by root rot or insects.

Most of the easiest high-light plants are succulents, which are plants that can retain moisture in their leaves," she says. Jade plants, orchids, Alocasia, peperomia,mother-in-law's tongue, aloe and various colorful grafted cacti fit into this category.

"In more indoor conditions, philodendrons are easy to grow and come in a range of sizes and leaf types,". "Areca palms require little care and always look good, and many people with no experience are successful with dracaenas,fan palms,agloenoemas,Ficus Alii,Anthurium,aralia,schefflera,Golden money plant,Maranta,Peace Lily, spider plant, and rubber plants,syngonium."

When growing or caring for houseplants, the most important factor to consider is upkeep. what you should do is make it part of your weekly to-do list. "Set aside 10 minutes to water your plants, pinch off failing leaves and turn them so that all sides get a turn receiving bright light,". As long as you do this once a week, most houseplants will be happy.

If you've struggled with plants, you've probably wrestled with the question: How much water? it's important to get to know your plants as individuals; some will need more water than others. "Large plants grown in smallish pots in bright light often need twice as much water as small plants growing in roomy containers in dim light,". If you're uncertain if a plant needs watering, tip it slightly to see if it feels heavy or light. "With practice, you can easily tell if a container is unusually moist or dry by checking its weight," .
When purchasing a plant, look at individual plants to see if it's healthy. Look at the entire display area,pick out the plant individually, and check to see if the plants appear to have been watered and maintained. Choose a plant with lots of healthy foliage, no spotted or yellow leaves. If you're buying a houseplant with flowers, choose one that is only buds(beginning to flower).
We do everything to protect our family from pollution outside but we have never realised that it can be the indoor pollutant disturbing your health. The mentioned plants can easily suck the harmful chemicals around you invisible in the air.

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