
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

If we are that disengaged, why does he think we're listening to him?

According to President Obama, Americans are so uninterested by or disengaged with the financial issues of our country that, he said last night,
[W]hat makes today’s stalemate so dangerous is that it has been tied to something known as the debt ceiling – a term that most people outside of Washington have probably never heard of before.
"Debt Ceiling" debates and issues have been the nearly non-stop topic of news coverage for weeks on end now, so much so that for awhile I thought that Debt Ceiling might have been an unusual name of a blonde college gal gone missing on a Caribbean island.

But no matter - in Obamaland, we are not paying enough attention to matters political even to have heard the term, "debt ceiling," and so we thankfully listen to this president pedantically explain it.

But I have to wonder - if we really are that tuned out to matters Washingtonian, then why would Obama expect that any of us would even turn on the TV to hear him talk?

Just sayin' ... .

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