
Monday, November 28, 2011

I WON!!!

So one of the blogs that I follow My Himalayan Cat Goma had a contest to win this stuff:

Who had just come back from Japan with a bunch of souvenirs. So I entered - and I WON! And I never win anything. Ever. So here it is:

As you can see - the little globe didn't make it. But it is still cute anyway. And let me tell you a funny story about that - so I opened the package and saw this little guy with some glue stuff around it and the little kitty had fallen off. And I was like - ohhh no! But with a little glue I could fix it back no problem. And then I was thinking about everything that I won and was like - wasn't there supposed to be like a snow globe or something? And then I shrugged and was like oh well. And then when I pulled out the shirt and all this glass was everywhere I was like - Ohhhhhh! That little guy WAS the snow globe. Boy did I feel silly. 

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