
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Slam The Door

 Via Instapundit:

 "REVOLVING DOOR: Obama And Billy Tauzin:
Here’s a YouTube of a 33-second Barack Obama campaign commercial titled “Billy” that aired in the 2008 campaign about Billy Tauzin, a congressman who went to work for the pharmaceutical industry as a lobbyist.
Here’s a Bloomberg News article from today headlined, “Tauzin’s $11.6 Million Made Him Highest-Paid Health-Law Lobbyist.” It begins: “Billy Tauzin, the former congressman turned pharmaceutical industry lobbyist, was paid $11.6 million in 2010, the year he brokered a deal with President Barack Obama that helped pass the health-care overhaul.”
Taken together, the two are a pretty devastating combination.
Plus, a reference to my anti-revolving door surtax.
  Posted at 10:47 am by Glenn Reynolds"

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