
Thursday, April 28, 2011

Rice Water? - 'Pirinčana voda?'

Rice is very healthy, not just like a food, but also for your skin too!
Today, I was cooking rice for breakfast, I decided to try to make this toner/lotion. I mean, it is really simple to make, but this is the first time I tried something like this :)
Instead of 'trying' to explain how I made it, I thought it's better to find you video so you can watch it :)
Also, in this video, Michelle is showing how to make a mask too. I didn't try it, but I will soon.
Pirinač je veoma zdrav, ne samo kao hrana, nego i za vašu kožu!
Danas, dok sam kuvala pirinač sebi za doručak, odlučila sam da napravim ovaj losion. Mislim, veoma je jednostavno napraviti, samo je ovo prvi put da pravim nešto ovako :)
Umesto da vam 'pokušam' objasniti postupak pravljenja, pomislila sam da je bolje da nađem video koji možete lepo odgledati :)
Takođe, u ovom video, Mišel pokazuje kako da napravite masku za lice. Nisam probala, ali ću uskoro.

xoxo Jelena

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