
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Obama and the bullies

Exactly how does this topic rise to the level of presidential concern?

(Click image to enlarge; White House page here.)

When I am elected president, I will assure you of this: The president will do only those things that only the president can do. The rest shall be handled by subordinates.

IMO, this is another example of this president taking care of the easy things. Over the last two years it has become abundantly clear that the "too hard" box in the Oval Office is stacked deep. But according to the AP,
Aides say this is a personal issue for both the president and his wife, Michelle Obama. The president taped a message for the "It Gets Better Campaign" last fall following the deaths of several young people who were bullied for being gay.
How, exactly, is this a "personal issue" for this president in a way that is different from any other American unrelated by blood or bond to the victims? Where is the personal connection to Obama? The deaths were bad, tragic. Of course. But I ask again: do they make bullying rise to the level of presidential concern? Of course not.

But it is of whole cloth with the progressive movement. Now that bullying (which can never be tightly defined) has become a matter accorded to full weight and authority of the United States government, regulation will follow as night follows day. Here is last October's preview:

The Education department's press release also quotes Obama thus:
"We have an obligation to ensure that our schools are safe for all of our kids. Every single young person deserves the opportunity to learn and grow and achieve their potential, without having to worry about the constant threat of harassment."
Note the imperial "we." What does he mean, "we?" Of course, he means the full weight and authority of the US government. Exactly why does school bullying transcend the authority and capability of local school districts and municipalities or of colleges and universities?

So here is my question - comments are turned on - am I missing something here? If you think that schoolhouse bullying is a legitimate matter of presidential concern, please explain why.

Comments on - and do note commenting rules, they are not flexible.

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