
Friday, March 25, 2011

Five Pitfalls of Going DIY for Large Renovation Projects

Soooo….my bathroom was supposed to be finished by this past Monday.

It’s not.

Nope, there’s still a toilet sitting in my living room. No seriously, there is. You laugh but I have pictures to prove it. My husband and I have gone DIY for many home improvement projects and each time we swear we’re never going to do it again. Yet somehow we get ourselves into these stressful situations over and over again. I think we tend to forget how awful things were while working on the renovations because once they’re finished things usually turn out pretty good.

I’m not sure about this bathroom though.We’ve run into five major pitfalls, drawbacks or whatever you want to call them, with this project. And as I recall from other projects these five things tend to happen every time.

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