
Saturday, November 13, 2010

2011 Conference Schedule

Here are the conferences we recommend for 2011. These are the ones we will plan on attending. Last year, we took 9 men out to the Shepherd's Conference, another 4 went to the Ligonier Conference and 11 of us went to the Basics Conference. If you would like to go with us this year, let me know. It's a great time of fellowship with some awesome teaching by some of the greatest theological minds of our time thrown in for good measure.

We are already beginning to plan for the Shepherd's Conference and will be making room reservations shortly. For more details, click on the name of the conference. If you have any questions, please contact me.

March 9-13 - Shepherd’s Conference, Los Angeles

Spkrs: John MacArthur, Al Mohler, Steve Lawson, Rick Holland, Phil Johnson, Tom Pennington

This is the premier conference of the year for our men. It is intensive and jammed with great teaching. The General sessions are led by some of the best Reformed speakers of our age. In between there are break out sessions for any level of interest in the church. One great benefit of this conference is that they give you enough first-run, high quality books and gifts to cover the registration costs. We try to find reasonable plane tickets but we usually have to order well in advance. If you're willing to room with someone, you can expect to spend about $700, including air-fare, registration, room and meals. It's not cheap but it has had a huge impact on those who have joined us.

March 24-26 – Ligonier Conference, Orlando

Spkrs: Sinclair Ferguson, W Robert Godfrey, Steve Lawson, John Piper, R.C. Sproul

This is another great conference with a power house line up of speakers. Because it is so close to the Shepherd's Conference, we will plan on attending only if there is enough interest. Expenses will be about the same as for the Shepherd's Conference. Book will be given out but not quite as many as the Shepherd's conference gives.

May 9-11 – Basics Conference, Cleveland

Spkrs: Alistair Begg, John Dickson, Roco Tice

This conference is easy, less expensive and a lot of fun. We caravan up to Cleveland (about a 7 hour drive), leaving Monday morning and returning Wednesday evening. Great teaching again but few books. They feed us some truly fine meals, though. You can expect to spend about $400 including gas, room and registration. This trip is a great way to get a taste of what the conferences are like.

August 10-13 – Sovereign Grace Worship God Conference, Gaithersburg


This conference is nearby and far less expensive. It is primarily for the worship team but their speakers are first-rate and appeal to nearly everyone. Expect to pay about $250 if you don't mind sharing a room.

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