
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Decisions

It's been several years since I had a Christmas tree. So this year I decided to correct that situation. The first question was should I get a real tree or a fake tree?

Silver aluminum trees look very elegant in a close up picture.

But they don't look quite as elegant from a distance.

Though the color wheel is somewhat irresistible.

Fake trees can look very real.

Especially if you cover them up with lights and oranments and presents.

Once the real versus fake tree dilema is resolved, then the even bigger question comes in: colored or white lights?

And if that is not enough, do you go with the traditional Christmas tree lights or the new LED ones?

Hmmm..... makes me long for the days when every Christmas tree I drew looked like this.

For some reason the red balls were imperative as was the yellow star on top. That was back in the days when there were no decisions to be made. Everything was so .... exact.

Thanks for stopping by. I will really try to get around to some blogs one of these weeks (!!).

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