
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Bathhouse Of Ancient Roman Soldiers Found In Jerusalem

Israeli archaeologists have discovered an ancient Roman bathhouse that was probably used by the soldiers who destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Monday.

The surprise discovery includes the mark of Rome's Tenth Legion -- as well as the paw print of a dog. The animal probably belonged to one of the soldiers, excavation director Ofer Sion said.

Archaeologists were not expecting to find the Roman structure in the Jewish Quarter, where a mikvah, or Jewish ritual bath, was being constructed.

The discovery shows that the Roman encampment established to help keep Israel under Roman domination was larger than previously thought, another expert said.

Understanding the ancient Roman city of Aelia Capitolina is "extremely valuable," he said, because it determined the shape of Jerusalem's historic walls "and the location of the gates to this very day."

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