Second screaming with a hellish knocking pounded at the door, "OII DANI GIK OIIII!!!" ... I kicked the door, sign of living human has been awakened and turned on my PC speaker very very loud. Stupid FCUKING STONE AGE HABITATS.
Moral of the story:
1. Don't marry a single child with no sibling otherwise you will stucked forever in the cage, too.
2. Try to make excuse to move to other house so you can relax your mind and soul.
3. Run away from the house on the weekend if you happen to be me, I go out at 11 a.m. and return home at 7 p.m. Just go anywhere as long as your mind is free of cursing people. e.g. shopping, mother's house, eating, exercising...
I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo
What the hell I'm doing here
I don't belong here...
You may curse me if you wish, I don't care. I'm an independent child and non-supervisory worker. I don't cling to my parents in my 30's. I envy my friends who can enjoy their good weekend, lil longer sleep. I wake up very early in the dawn everyday. They can have their afternoon nap whenever they like while at the same time I am struggling in the office.
You may think that I am now having my PMS. This is everyday PMS. I feel like cooking very very hot sambal or putting chilli boh in every plate of food. Those will be followed by very devilish sweet desserts like brownies, ice cream and sweeting frosting cupcakes. No darling, poisoning people is NOT GOOD, deterior their healths is crueler.
I HATE TO SEE PEOPLE TODAY. Except my Gabby Boo and Honey Hippopotamus.
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